What is a Good Human Being?

by anewme 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    All said and done, what do you think is required of human beings to qualify as "good"?
    I want to be thought of as good. I want to be remembered as good.
    All this religious discussion here. All this finger pointing at conduct.
    What are we to do? How are we to behave? What is the personality and behaviour in your opinion that will merit any kind of favor in a hereafter?
    The beginning of a new year has me thinking of these basics.

    What are your thoughts?

  • stillajwexelder

    someone who applies the golden rule "Do unto others as thou would have done to thyself"

  • anewme

    I might add, was there ever anybody who impressed you as being a good example of a wonderful human being?

  • joelbear

    you should build self confidence.

    a self confident person is not afraid to give of themselves to others.

    giving to others is what makes one good.

  • juni

    I agree. Applying the Golden Rule. Also treat people as individuals - don't prejudge. Look for the good; not bad in people. Be patient with people as we all have our bad days.

    Yes. I've been told that I'm a very patient person, friendly to all and caring of others' needs.

    That's the type of person that I want to be. Brings me joy. Juni~~~~~~~~~~ :)

  • AlmostAtheist

    I initially just agreed with stilla, and so I wasn't going to post. But then I saw your "any examples?" question. As I think about it, I can think of some, but they're all different. Some "good humans" strike me as good just because of the way they act. They don't bring the world around them down, they build it up. They're actively happy, working on having a good attitude.

    Others aren't that at all, they're actually a little cold. But they do such good things -- charitable works, helping others -- that I see them as good, too.

    You couldn't be all varieties of good at the same time. But if you stick to doing what makes you happy (and tying your happiness to not making the people around you sad), I can't see how you can go wrong.


  • Legolas

    I am getting to the point where I don't care what others think, only what I think and want to be!

    If you follow what others say are you really being yourself?

  • Satanus

    A person who has empathy, i suppose.


  • LittleToe

    "Be excellent to each other!"

    As JoelBear suggests, self-confidence can go a long way to that self-expression...

  • kls

    A person who has empathy, i suppose.


    Yes but empathy is an emotion and helping someone is an action,use that empathy with the action to help others.

    And don't forget all the critters

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