As an active Witness how would you have responded to the following question

by Triple A 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tetrapod.sapien
    How do you explain that since 1986 there has been less than 5% decrease in the annointed class?

    i would have simply explained that no one is perfect, including the anointed. therefore, since satan is upping the pressure of this sinful world, more were being carried away by wolves in sheeps clothing, as it were, and jehovah was replacing them.

  • katiekitten
    If you said that to me, I'd have had to ask how you accounted for the steady increase of nutters and loonies in the organization since 1986.

    tee hee - good question! I would have stammered something about there always being a small percentage of people blah blah blah.

    Speaking of loonies. When my dad was an elder our number was in the phonebook as the local JW contact. One day we had a man phone up who must have sounded plausible until dad enthusiastically brought him home and he turned into a nutter. We couldnt get rid of him and he confessed that he like 'clapping'! Eventually nothing short of a free 20 mile ride to some place of his choice got him out of the house.

    Jeez, how naieve we were.

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    To all, Thank you.

    It does seem like this question would give much for a Witness to think about other than the initial shock of being asked. It is not something that would make them question the WTBTS after they leave the door.

    Happy New Year,

    Triple A

  • SPAZnik

    i'll get back to you

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