Judge Rutherford on radio - God says, "Quit making Jackasses of yourselves"

by VM44 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    A description of a recording of Rutherford played on the radio:

    Judge Rutherford. August 10, 1941. WBBR, New York City. "Children Of The King".

    WBBR was owned (or closely identified with) by The People's Pulpit Association (The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, also known as "Jehovah's Witnesses"). The station shared the frequency with WEVD, WFAB and WHAZ.

    The recording was made at a St. Louis convention.

    Judge Rutherford is heard preaching before a large group of his followers.

    "God says, 'Quit making jackasses of yourselves.'"

    "Armeggedon is near at hand."

    "Do not send your children to those devilish movies to learn evil."

    Judge Rutherford mentions his latest (and what would be his last) book, "Children." The book advocates not marrying or having children. Judge Rutherford promises a copy of "Children" to all fifteen-thousand present. he died January 8, 1942.

  • blondie

    An ex-JW and author, Barbara Grizutti Harrison reported:

    In 1941, at a convention in St. Louis, Missouri, J. F. Rutherford, Russell's successor, combining evangelistic fervor with vaudevillean flair, said that a woman was nothing more than (as Kipling had put it) "a rag and a bone and a hank of hair." (The women in the convention audience, I am told, applauded fervently.)
    In 1941, the JW’s believed that the end of the world would come in a matter of months. In view of the closeness of the Millennium, Judge Rutherford advised JW’s not to get married, saying, "Why, then, should a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and hank of hair?"

    Also found at

    September 15, 1941 WT , page 287

  • VM44

    Rutherford should have been counseled as to his choice of the +words used in his talks!

    But could anyone then have counsel the "Judge" on anything? He was the "president" of The Watchtower, having been elected to that position for life! He didn't have to listen to anyone at all.

    Think of all the childern who heard Rutherford at that convention, and who later asked their parents "Judge Rutherford can say "jackass" in his talks, so why can't I use the word also?"

    It is quite apparent that the witnesses back then must have been quite aware of Rutherford's use of "rough" words, but they ignored what they heard and didn't critize or say anything about it.

    They just put up with him as their leader.


  • JWrobot

    links don't work for me.

  • VM44

    Hi JWrobot,

    Those aren't links, I was only underlining what Judge Rutherford said.


  • DannyHaszard

    alt Poet and writer Mark Twain sez: "if a million people believe in a stupid thing for a hundred years,it's still a stupid thing". http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/89270/1.ashx Farkel where are you?

  • DannyHaszard

    Popular Jehovah's Witnesses message board http://www.touchstoneforum.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.pl?az=list&forum=DCForumID2&conf=DCConfID1 Why God hates Lindsey Lohan , Sulla, 11:15 AM Dec-31-05 This JW forum speaks for itself,and they call us the haters. alt

  • Kaput
    "God says, 'Quit making jackasses of yourselves.'"

    "Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, "I made an ass of myself.""

    From an interview with Karl F. Klein in the October 1, 1984 WT.


    Former president of Jehovah's WitnASSES.

  • VM44

    Here is the audio of the "Children of the King"

    Hear Judge Ruthgord saying:

    1) that a woman was nothing more than "a rag and a bone and a hank of hair."

    2) "God says, 'Quit making jackasses of yourselves.'"

    3) "Armeggedon is near at hand."

    4) "Do not send your children to those devilish movies to learn evil."


    How did Judge Rutherford get away with saying these things?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I think that the tittle "Judge" tends to give subliminal support to his being able to render judgements. It made it easier to accept them as if her were one of the "judges" sent to save Israel by Jehovah. Just a guess. W.Once

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