Divorcing an EX/JW

by Dan0406 29 Replies latest members private

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge
    I have forwarded all the custody information from the website to my attorney! And we will see what my atty. says.

    Come back & let us know how this turns out if you don't mind, or PM me, I'm interested in the outcome, my attorney will be getting a copy as well!

  • Dan0406

    Garybuss, You know how many times I told my husband that all I wanted was a partner! I became a parent of 4 instead of 3! And believe me, the divorce is necessary for my children to live mentally healthy lives. They continually saw my husband be verbally abusive, to me and to them. The whole reason I started taking my son to counseling was because I was beginning to talk to me the way his father did! I felt like this was learned behavior, I had allowed it with his father.

    The counseling has helped tremendously, but I have a feeling it will be an ongoing thing!

  • Dan0406

    Seeking Knowledge, Funny! My daughter is very protective of her brother s as well, and of me. At 13, she is so smart. She doesn't say anything in front of her brothers about Dad, this man came into her life when she was 4, she loves him. But at the same time, she HATES him, he has turned his back on her as quicky as he embraced her. She just wants it to be over, as do I! I also have her attending counseling!

    I, too, wonder what I ever saw in this man. But I know it was all a front. He pretended to be everything I wanted and needed. I think more for his sake than mine, he wanted out of that house. He couldn't do it alone, he thought I was a gravy train! Boy was he wrong!

    My kids are very smart also. I do not shove religion down there throat, this is the way they have been raised there whole lives. Church on Sunday, Catholic school. No meetings! We talk about our beliefs, but not daily, we never did when dad was here, so I don't want to change that either.

    I am taking one day at at time, and hoping that the TRUTH will set me free! I know what is best for these kids, and I hate that it has turned into a religious thing, because I truly believe we are entitled to praise whatever God we want, I believe in freedom of religion, that is why his parents religious orientation did not concern me. However, I also know, that this RELIGIOUS BATTLE, is not really about religion, it is about his hate for me and his desire to hurt me! And, honestly I do not even think he realizes he is HURTING the kids!

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    You said it sister!



  • garybuss

    Abuse is the best reason to end a partnership. Children need to be protected from receiving or witnessing abuse. Good job! If you end a partnership to save a child, that's not a failure! THAT'S a success! That takes a hero!

  • Dan0406


    Thank you, I appreciate your support! It was the hardest decision I made in my life! And I already know it was better than the decision I made 8 1/2 years ago. I have a great support network, but this insight from people who understand exactly what I am going through is so much more than I have been able to get from my family and friends. I have people who have been through divorce, and divorce with kids, but not with all this JW drama! Thank you all so much!

  • dinah

    Dano, nice to meet you. Reading your story and so many others like yours, makes my heart ache.

    If judges are reluctant to decide cases based on religion, I wonder if there would be any solid proof that being raised a JW damages you, especially when you try to leave. From personal experience, and meeting so many ex-dubs, it seems we are a strange lot in some ways.

    Dano, it is very hard for an outsider of the "truth" to understand just how their mentality permeates every thought you have. It seems to me, he's probably trying to save his children by getting them to be Witnesses, so they won't have to die at armageddon. I know after my first child was born, my mom stepped up pressure on me to get back into the organization for my daughter's sake. I was like----why and have her grow up to be the basketcase that I am????? NO THANKS!

    Also, my first marriage ended in divorce (he wasn't a JW or anything--just a jerk). I got full custody of our daughter because he was abusive. I even got the judge to give him supervised visitation.

    I wish I could be more helpful.

  • Dan0406


    Honestly, if I felt like he was returning to the hall after 15 years because he needed spiritual guidance considering our divorce, I would be okay with that. And I know your all saying I shouldn't be okaywith it, but the deal is, he is only doing this to lash out at me, he is VENGEFUL!

    He is not thinking of our children. This past weekend was his weekend, Thurs. they spent the night at his moms, they did not attend meeting. Friday, they stayed at his house. Saturday night, New Years Eve, they stayed at his moms again, while he went out partying... if he was serious about a commitment to the "truth", then he would be making diffrent decisions, his parents are well aware that he is not commiting himself to the "truth". but now they are being allowed to bring my boys to the hall and have there little minds confused. Remember they attend Catholic school, they have been baptized catholic, they had never been into a KH until October of 2005.

    This is why I am so upset. I know this man, I know his manipulative ways, that he came by honestly, his mother is the exact same way, who suffers??? Not me I can handle it! MY children. He abused me verbally and emotionally for 8 years, along with the kids. Now he has only the kids to focus his warped mind and behavior on.

    I have gotten alot of help here. I appreciate everyone words of encouragement, I hope my lawyer read the 71 pages I sent him. I will make a post if I hear something. My court date is Jan. 25! Anymore advice, keep it coming, it really helps me. Dana

  • dinah

    Hey Dana, my name is Dana too

  • Dan0406

    welcome Dana! I hope you are able to get as much out of this site as I have. Very helpful, supportive people...

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