How much written in this Forum can be believed?

by Spectrum 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectrum

    I want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.

    I'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to JWism. I'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.

    What I'm asking is what are the chances that some of the posts on this site regarding JWs are just slander?
    I ask this because some of the posts I read indicate really awful behaviour that I never came across in my 9 years of association with them.

  • blondie

    If they back it up with substantial quotes from the WTS own publications, would be a start. If you see that people from different areas have similar experiences with administration and policies, would be another start. If they back it up with statements from reputable non-JW sites and research, would be a third indication. Gauge it against your own and your own family and friend's experiences.

    But it won't end there.

    The WTS has done enough things that can be proven through their own writings, lies should not be necessary.


  • Confession

    I know what you mean, Spectrum. Some of the things I read about here left my jaw on the table. But I'm sure you can imagine...Just because it didn't happen to us doesn't mean stuff like this didn't happen. As for this site? Obviously this is not an official news agency, held responsible for the veracity of every word mentioned. It's a bunch of people sharing their own experiences. Are some of them exaggerated? Well I'm sure they are. When a person is hurt they often do exaggerate. you read through all of the stories, you will find too many common threads for them to be fabrications. And consider too that some of the WTS' greatest crimes need not be proven through negative personal experiences. The simple reality that they have abused and continue to abuse so many through policies you and I know exist is enough to indict them heavily. The blood transfusion policy, The UN/NGO deal. Policies that protect pedophiles. The draconian policy of shunning and branding all those who disagree as God's enemies. Their failures regarding dates--and other teachings time has proven false.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    I would suspect that the amount of lying here is about the same as anywhere else. But my 40 years of JW experience tell me that most of the experiences I have read are true - at least from the perspective of the one telling the tale. Sometimes memories may be colored by time I suppose. Or by the amount of pain they have caused.

    Of course there is always two sides to every story. I will tell you I have never told lies here. Why waste others time and energy relating things that are just fantasy?


  • Super_Becka

    Well, I'm guessing that the reality of some of the posts here is based on personal experiences, and everyone's personal experiences are different. Not everyone behaves in the same way everywhere, so some events may have happened in some places but not in others.

    I can give a few of my personal experiences, but I can't be sure of how universal they are. The JWs I've met are actually really nice people who are just like anyone else out there. They never once talked down to me or treated me like an inferior. But then again, we didn't talk religion, so I don't know how that would work out. I know that my JW boyfriend is the sweetest man on the face of the planet, he's everything a girl could ever ask for, but if I bring up religion, he closes up and gets all defensive. He even looks down on my favourite things, like birthday parties and Christmas (which he called "christmas silliness" and "some silly holiday"). But at least he doesn't tell me that I'm wrong all the time.

    But here on this forum, I've been verbally attacked for my beliefs by a JW poster. He called me a "tree-worshipping, protestant pagan" because I celebrate Christmas (and other holidays). I haven't met a JW in person who behaves like this, but I've come into contact with one here at JWD.

    Are all JWs like the ones I've been in contact with?? Probably not. I wouldn't call any of the posts here "slander", I'd call them all unique experiences. The JWs I know are inactive and not too involved with the WTS, though they still believe in the doctrines, but that's not to say that other people don't know ardent JWs who will stop at nothing to discredit other beliefs without ever examining their own.

    Just like everyone else, JWs are different everywhere, and so are their families and congregations and the extent of their involvement. Just because you, personally, have never experienced any of the awful things that people post here doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, it just doesn't happen in your area or has never happened to you.

    I'm sure there are people here with ulterior motives who just want to make JWs look bad, but I believe that most people here are sincere in their posts. I know I always am.

    Just my two cents.

    -Becka :)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    How much is to be believed? Remember that this is a discussion board. Is discussion allways factual? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It's really up to you to make your own decision. There are people on this board whose opinions I admire, others I shake my head at. Thast just the way it is, so use your better judgement.

  • AlmostAtheist
    What I'm asking is what are the chances that some of the posts on this site regarding JWs are just slander?

    The chances are absolutely 100% that some material will be true and some will be false. Like others have said, you have to be discerning.

    Some things are irrefutable. Has there been child abuse among JW's? Obviously. Have their policies for dealing with it made it worse? Almost certainly. Have they intentionally moved to cover it up? It seems more than likely.

    Did ex-JW "x" actually experience some certain bad thing at the hand of elder "y"? Who knows... consider the source, past history of reliable comments, and make your best call.

    One of the very useful aspects of JWD is there is little in the way of group agenda. We're not all Christians or plumbers or democrats. So you get plenty of argument for and against stuff. You may not come away knowing the answer, but at least you understand the question.

    Of course, there is a serious bias against all things Watchtower, so there will be less balance in those topics than in anything else. Sad consequence of beating people up and lying to them -- they tend not to look for anything good to say about you later.

    Personally, I put alot of stock in comments from blondie. I steer clear of Tetra, since you never know if he's high or not. And of course, anybody with "atheist" in their username should be immediately dismissed!

    Hope it helps! :-)


  • Forscher

    Like anywhere else, you have to take some things with a grain of salt. However, my own experiences in the organization make it hard to simply discount much of what I see here. While we were being shunned, a visiting sister talked shyly asked my wife if we were DF'd (we were not, we were being shunned because the Alpha-dominant elder wanted it so even thoguh he could not get grounds to make it official). After being reassured that we were not, she listened to our story then told my wife that she'd been allover the U.S. and that such things were much more common than folks knew. So I have no reason to doubt the stories we are seeing.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Credibility is something established over time by simply asking of all things that are said, "does it follow"

    No authority or any other bonafide is necessary or useful.

  • cruzanheart

    I look EXACTLY like Audrey Hepburn.

    Oh, um, don't believe that . . .

    Sorry, I'm in a flippant mood today. I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness, left when I was 46, and I have seen some pretty amazing things -- some good and some bad. There are some incredibly wonderful people who just happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses and who sincerely believe they're doing the right thing before God, and there are some incredibly mean people who are also Jehovah's Witnesses and use their religion as an excuse and a cover-up for the mean things they do. You will find people like that all over the world, but the fact that the upper echelons of the Jehovah's Witness corporate structure nurture, support and cover up the misdeeds of its members makes the whole thing rotten.

    I have no problem believing most of the things I read here, though I take some of it with the idea that "perception is reality." What matters is that people have been hurt and abused by members of a religion that holds itself to a supposedly higher standard than the rest of humanity.


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