My website:

by reexaminer 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • reexaminer


    I have started a project that I hope will stay online for times indefinate, even to times indefinate. You can find it at .

    I started working on it in October and it is still a work in progress, however because of the shut down of the website located at I felt that I should release the site in "as-is" condition, instead of waiting until it was completely finished.

    Currently, there isn't a lot of content in the 'wiki' section of the website. Hopefully in the next few days and weeks that will change, however there are still programming issues that I have to work out before that can happen. For immediate use, you will find a link to a mirror of the previous "Quotes" website from the main page ( or at

    I will keep this there until the website is forced to shut down, which I don't see happening in the near future, but one never knows. I will get into that further in this email.

    On this website, you will find copyright protected material. Some people have already located the elder's manual "Pay Attention", the Organized book, the 2004 WT Library CD-ROMand the Child Custody brochure. I hope that this is the start of what one day will be a complete JW library, totally online in searchable pdf format.

    I have set up a chat room, found at please feel free to use this.

    So, you may ask, how can I keep this information online when all these other websites have been shut down? This site is hosted in China, the largest exporter of counterfiet goods in the world. Do you think their government will care? I'm not counting on it, but of course nothing is a sure thing.

    How can you help? My hopes are that people will be willing to scan WT and Awake mags, KM's and any special notices so I can keep this library current. If a magazine comes out today, I ideally would like to have it online tomorrow. Please PM me or email me at [email protected] if you can help with this? I especially would like to express a need for letters to the Bodies of Elders from the Watch Tower. It's been a while since these have been online, and they will make a great addition to the site. Content will eventually need to be added verified and cleaned up when the Wiki portion of the site is operational. Anyone and everyone can help with this. Please, also give me any ideas that you have to make this site better.

    Thank you for your time.



  • carla

    thanks for all your hardwork. carla

  • sammielee24

    Thanks for the great site reexaminer! I've already been in it and I can see how impressive it's going to be! Got my fix of the materials there - I would scan or send what I have but a rather unfortunate chain of events left all of my bibles/books and other resource materials in the grip of a fanatical JW who kidnapped them and has them under lock and key. The ransom is reinstatement and that's not about to happen so I consider them lost forever. Thanks for all your hard work, your time and energy - we appreciate it!

  • crazies

    What about adding a section for letters to the society and the responses?

  • inbyathread

    Welcome to our corner of the world! Thank YOU. What a wonderful site. I've always said that location is fundamental in establishing a business.

    OK. Now that the formalities are out of the way. Spread the news around, we need a copy of the WT Bookshelf CD that was previously made by a dear friend of ours. (P.M.). Since he has no control on those copies, if one is posted in china, it's not his fault and he cannot be held responsible for it. (True or False) Peter if you need to sound off on this one please do. Whoever has one Please Please come forward and get it to the webmaster for reexamine.

    Oh I can't say thanks enough.

    To the WT snoopers I say

  • Atlantis

    Many thanks for all of your hard work and assistance! Much appreciated!

  • Cordelia

    i think its a great idea, will defo go on when i have more time,

    i can get my hands on any publicaion, im just alittle thick of how to copy or scan and send it but let me know anything you need, i have just bought a scanner so could do it,

    i hope the chat gets up and running that would be great!

  • M.J.

    Would it be possible to get this to score high on the search engines? I can't find it on google...

  • AuldSoul

    MJ, it takes time. It also takes a lot of different IPs searching for it and it takes links from Web sites pointing to it.

    DannyHaszard may be able to start including the link in his RSS feeds.

    Posting the link on a lot of ex-JW forums/chats will definitely help. This is a primary way indexers find the hot sites quickly. Remember, for maximum effect post both: and

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Quotes portion is downloadable by the end of the day.


  • GoingGoingGone
    I wouldn't be surprised if the Quotes portion is downloadable by the end of the day.

    Oh I hope so!! I really want to download a copy of the full site, scans, pictures, and all. The more people who can do this, the better. Get that information out there!

    GGG (of the Lots of Free Gegabyte Class)

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