Jerimiah Film on Jehovah's Witness History!

by scoobiedoo1 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serendipity

    Hi scoobiedoo,

    Welcome to the forum!

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Mouthy we need to talk.

    If I could show just one film together with my testimony, which one would you suggest?

  • fairchild

    I would give you a link, but my mouse is broken at the moment and every little thing I do on the computer truns into a lot of aggravation. I posted a link in another thread a couple of days ago. Look for the thread with the title "Quotes site down, what can we do about it". (or something very similar to that) I posted a link in thatr thread, not to the movie itself but to the discussion of the movie. If I had any doubts before reading through it (it is a pretty long read), my doubts were all gone after I had finished reading it. I think it is a must read for everyone. If I can, I will look up that thread and post the link here, but I can only do that much without the use of my mouse.

  • fairchild

    Okay, that wasn't all too bad. Here is the link. I promise it is worth the read.

  • mouthy

    Kate I always show "Witnesses Of Jehovah" first... " Then The Witness Comes out" The first one is old...but powerful.... Lori MacGreger sells them on her page ...Macgregor Ministries.I have been doing this for 15 years now. & Many Many Churches are please to have them shown....

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