Do you feel that Jehovah drew you away from Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Scatteredsheep 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • bailabklyn

    Ozzie said: "I recall replying to this entreaty from my mother, "Why won't you come back to Jehovah?" with this response, "Mum, I haven't left Jehovah, He just isn't in the Kingdom Hall, He left long ago!"


  • Scatteredsheep

    Many thanks to all who’ve responded to my question, so far.

    JT, you said "if Jehovah drew one away from the Jehovah's Witnesses" then he is pretty cold blooded to have left about 15-20 million folks behind.

    Our Heavenly Father Jehovah hasn’t forgotten those left behind, JT, as the following experience may show:

    Recently Father told my daughter (one of the 5 disfellowshipped) to go to the K. Hall and warn the elders who threw us out that they would die because of their “bloodguilt.” Her husband (another one of the 5) was to go with her as moral support and to make sure she got a chance to deliver the message. To condense the account, as she and her husband were being forcibly removed from the K.Hall, my daughter shouted into the ear of the elder next to her, “JEHOVAH LOVES THIS ORGANIZATION [i.e. the PEOPLE in it] AND HE SAYS HE’S GOING TO GET RID OF ALL THE ROTTEN, WORTHLESS ELDERS!”

    Later she said, “I don’t know whether anyone else heard me or not.” To which her husband replied, “Are you kidding? Even those back in the restrooms could hear you!”

    Jehovah will never abandon any of his sheep. But that doesn’t mean he won’t allow them to suffer at all. We have to be willing to take up our torture stake and follow Jesus.

    Java: Yes, 5 of us from 3 families were disfellowshipped. Also, 10 of our collective family members stopped associating because we were disfellowshipped. Since this is a small congregation, the impact was significant, to say the least. More so because for many months afterward, Jehovah had at least one (sometimes all 5) of us attend meetings, regularly. Father said this was to remind them of their guilt. We were like “blood on a rock” as He put it.

    We’re not together as a group now because Father says it’s important that we don’t become nor appear to be a sect. But He assures us that he’ll bring us together again in his due time, along with all his other scattered sheep.

    So far as I know, I’m the only one of the 5 who’s asked to be reinstated. Father told me to formally request complete exoneration, for the sake of the offending elders because they remain spiritually bloodguilty until this is done. So far, they haven’t exonerated me. It would take a miracle, of course.

    Apostate Kate: You said, “the Holy Spirit through Jesus revealed Himself to me in a rather miraculous way.”

    Please tell me more about this. I love to hear about miracles!”

  • DanTheMan

    One day back when I was a JW and (as always) feeling guilty because I just didn't believe in JWism the way most JW's do, I looked up and stared at the sky. I couldn't suppress the thought that came: There's no Jehovah up there.

  • Scatteredsheep

    lonelysheep: You said, “I did feel that way when I still wanted to believe in their jehovah. “

    My heart goes out to you and all the others who’ve indicated that you can’t bear to think of our Heavenly Father as Jehovah anymore because of your experiences in the organization that bears that name. I’m sure Father is willing to have you call him something else, in that case.

    Although I do address him as Father now when I pray to him in Jesus name, I grew up knowing and loving Him as Jehovah so it would be very hard for me to give up calling him that sometimes. I hope you won’t stop speaking to me on that account.

  • Scatteredsheep

    lonelysheep: You said, “I did feel that way when I still wanted to believe in their jehovah. “

    My heart goes out to you and all the others who’ve indicated that you can’t bear to think of our Heavenly Father as Jehovah anymore because of your experiences in the organization that bears that name. I’m sure Father is willing to have you call him something else, in that case.

    Although I do address him as Father now when I pray to him in Jesus name, I grew up knowing and loving Him as Jehovah so it would be very hard for me to give up calling him that sometimes. I hope you won’t stop speaking to me on that account.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have not sensed the Father speaking to me in a direct way as indicated by some. I have felt leading of Holy Spirit. I definatly felt it lead me out of the organization known as Jehovah's witnesses. I was one of those who was lead out kicking and sceaming. I fought against my heart telling me it was wrong for a long time. I did not know 'where to go' as witlesses are fond of saying.

    Now I feel the Father is always in my thoughts. I think that if there are 'Internet Angels' I have found a few of them here on JWD.

    Welcome to all the newbies beginning to post on these threads today. I can't keep track. May they keep coming.

    Freedom Is Wonderful.


  • Scatteredsheep

    Apostate Kate: You said, “Acts 1:8 - But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth." (Jesus' witnesses!)” (Sorry, I haven’t learned how to get the quotes to come out highlighted. Any tips would be welcome.)

    I think you and others are right about JW’s not giving enough attention to Jesus. On the other hand, Jesus did say, “My Father is greater than I am.” And he taught us to pray to the Father, rather than to him. And the name Jesus means, “Jehovah is salvation.” So apparently we’re to be witnesses of both Jesus and his Father. Is that how you understand it?

  • Scatteredsheep

    Apostate Kate: You said, “Acts 1:8 - But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth." (Jesus' witnesses!)” (Sorry, I haven’t learned how to get the quotes to come out highlighted. Any tips would be welcome.)

    I think you and others are right about JW’s not giving enough attention to Jesus. On the other hand, Jesus did say, “My Father is greater than I am.” And he taught us to pray to the Father, rather than to him. And the name Jesus means, “Jehovah is salvation.” So apparently we’re to be witnesses of both Jesus and his Father. Is that how you understand it?

  • freydi

    Welcome to the newbies. Something to keep in mind is that not everyone left Babylon in 537 BC, or whenever it was, even though they may have wanted to go. It was a long and difficult trip. Many stayed behind for a variety of reasons that didn't dishonor God.

  • Bryan

    Scattersheep and Grammy... Welcome!

    I do beleive my path has been influenced by a great power. My exodus from the Watchtower began with a fall from a scaffold resulting in a brain injury.

    There was no reason for me to fall. To this day I don't understand why or how I fell. It was the most difficult 2 years of my life, but I would not change the experience for the world. It changed the way I look at those around me and freed me from the cult, Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Again... welcome to the both of you!


    Have You Seen My Mother

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