Can someone explain the whole Armageddon/judgement thing to me??

by Super_Becka 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Super_Becka

    I've been doing a lot of research lately about JWs and their beliefs for various reasons, not the least of which is curiosity (don't worry, I'm not converting - I'm curious, not insane!!), and I've come across a few things that don't make much sense to me. Well, most of these things don't make sense to me, but some stand out more than others.

    So, in my wanderings, I've seen lots about whether or not JWs believe that they're the only ones who get to survive "Armageddon" and live in "Paradise Earth" and such, and the general answer tends to be, "Well, others will get the chance to be resurrected at "Armageddon", too, if they're worthy", or something like that. You know, the whole "Millions now living will never die" bit.

    OK, that seems to fit with the whole "Judgement Day" thing that I've been raised believing - that everyone is judged by God and only He can decide whether or not you are worthy of Heaven, or however that goes. I believe that everyone will be judged by God, so that part makes sense to me.

    What confuses me is how exactly this works for JWs - do they believe that they automatically "pass" the judgement and get to live in "Paradise Earth" or do they just get to skip God's judgement or what?? Do they believe that they get a "Get out of Judgement free" card while the rest of us are stuck with "Go directly to Judgement, do not pass Go, do not collect $200"?? How does "Armageddon" and the Final Judgement and all of that work for them??

    Sorry if I'm a moron when it comes to this stuff, but I haven't found an answer for this question just yet and it's been bugging me. Of course, the answer could be staring me in the face, but I need this stuff spelled out for me. I might be completely on the wrong track with this concept, I don't know, it confuses me. Can someone explain this to me please??


    -Becka :)

  • FlyingHighNow

    Beck, the witnesses believe that even those who survive Armegeddon will be judged during the thousand year reign. They can still decide to sin during that time. They can also flunk the final test at the end of the thousand year reign, when all those who survived and those who were resurrected will have reached perfection and will be tested as Adam and Eve and Jesus were.

    They believe that anyone who goofs up too much and has a bad heart during the judgment day of 1000 years will not even make it to the final test.

    But the annointed who go to heaven will be perfect and immortal when resurrected.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    that was a good summary. They think only JW's will live, everyone else will die. They've even said that you have to be baptized or the unbaptized children of a baptized one. No wonder the witnesses have to be so afraid worldly association...ugh

  • heathen

    They do have a pretty srewed up and unscriptural idea of what happens during the millenial reign of christ . They believe that the WTBTS will still be around to instruct those resurrected during the thousand years . This is nothing but dogma and has no support in the scriptures . There are alot of opinions on how the world ends and what the bible is actually saying about it .We don't even agree on that around here . Some believe that the 666 beast of revelation kills all christians that refuse it's mark thus really nobody survives . I believe the return of christ saves a multitude that simply exit the world scene and never die . The first resurrection is for the saints or 144k that die as martyrs and the second resurrection happens after the millenial reign for all of mankind .

  • FlyingHighNow

    Beck, anyone who isn't a JW or studying towards baptism will die at Armegeddon with no chance of a resurrection, according to JW beliefs. Supposedly, those who weren't "willfully wicked" will get a resurrection on the earth. Then they are supposed to be taught the "truth". They are judged by their reaction and acceptance of the "truth", not by what they did in their former lifetime. If they don't like the new system and don't want to serve Jehovah, then they die a second death. There is no resurrection from the second death.

    The annointed are a different matter when it comes to judgment. That's a trickier one to explain.

  • doofdaddy

    Armagedon is when the loving creator comes to visit his children and announces his arrival by rotting the flesh and spilling blood of 99.9%, then scrutinises the remainder for a thousand years, then wipes out a shiteload at his next visit.

    Any questions? Ask your friendly jw.....

  • ballistic
    Well, others will get the chance to be resurrected at "Armageddon", too, if they're worthy", or something like that. You know, the whole "Millions now living will never die" bit.

    That's a contradiction in terms. The "millions now living will never die" did not apply to the resurection but to the JWs themselves.

  • Mysterious

    They say that anyone who has not heard the message will be resurrected and giving a chance, including those that died when the JWs weren't as widespread as they are now. Some extend this to babies, other say that the babies are going to grow up to be just as wicked as their parents and therefore will be destroyed too.

    They do not believe that JWs are exempt from judgement, however they feel that honest JW believers who have done no wrong will certainly pass, as well as those that were repentant of wrongdoings (including confession to the elders).

    After armageddon they believe in a millenial reign of Christ, during which everyone will be perfect and those that choose not to obey (resurrected and survivors) will be destroyed. They also believe that Satan will be let loose at the end of the 1000 years to "test" everyone. Those that pass the test will then have everlasting (not immortal) long as they are obedient. Those that do not pass will be destroyed permanently along with Satan and his demons.

  • Effervescent

    Unfortunatley for JW's, though, there is no "Get out of Jail Free" cards. Just because your in "The Truth" doesnt mean you get to sit back and relax and mentally redecorate your favorite house in the neighborhood for when they get killed off. (although I think some do anyways)

    JW's spin their wheels their whole lives trying to measure up to some impossible standard of being found "acceptable". Even when I was a good little Elders daughter, I still flinched everytime a loud plane flew over, thinking my end had come. It's a terrible system of control.

  • Shazard

    Well the thing is that those who put their fate and hope on Jesus Christ will pass the judgement (it's bad part) and allready will get the reward - everlasting life, as Jesus allready payed ALL sins. But about Armageddon I heared nice thing which I believe is true. As Revelation is very very very symbolic book full of symbols and alegories (I event don't know how JW manage to use the book to explain other clear passages) then the "Armageddon" refers to the whole fights in Megida... But the all the historical fights there was specific that in the battles wins the party which is UP HILL. Armageddon battles allways were settled before the actual fight. As the ones which are bellow lose. So Revelation Armageddon just reveals that there will be fight, but the result is allready known - winner will be Upper Jerusalem :) That's all this "armageddon" stuff!

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