The "Jerry Springer" crowd

by Simon 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    It seems some are a little 'disappointed' with the latest news and events re: the WTS and blood.

    They seem to love the Jerry Springer-type scandal where someone will shout (in the street where it is worthless) that "the president raped me" or "all the GB are gay" or "elvis ate my hampster" or whatever.

    Hay, yeah, that is great new huh? That stuff reaaaallllllyyyy makes people think ...



    ... that we are F R U I T C A K E S !!

    Perhaps those that are so quick to criticise and dismiss will

    a) actually read the article (duh!)


    b) really think about the implications

    Yes, it isn't "sensational" like the Jerry-Spinger-Esque claims that some make which frankly sound rediculous but it is important.

    Nothing so far has affected their beliefs. If they are forced to change one of their fundamental beliefs over this then the rank and file will know and recognise it and even the most ardent follower will surely wonder about those who have died as a result of it. It is one of the most distinguishing things that sets them apart from just another nutty american christian brigade.

    This is a big win even if there is no action as a result of this but what if it makes them liable? If they have to start paying out money then this will be something that they haven't done before. They will have been brought to account.

    The Jerry-Springer crowd can keep bitching and I will gladly leave them to yelp and high-five at nonsense but I for one appreciate the work that people have done on this issue.

  • stillajwexelder

    She's jusss trailerrrr trashhh Jerry !

  • steve2

    Valid points Simon, but it would be unfair to label everyone who disagrees with you as belonging to the Jerry Springer crowd.

    It will be interesting to see how this develops. As you say, if it makes the watchtower liable and if they have to start paying! Who knows, such a punishing outcome might result in more overt, celebratory Jerry Springer-crowd behaviour!

  • Buster

    You get Jerry Springer? ...out there across the pond? Don't you guys have enough of your own trash to foist on the tea-sipping, scone-eating, M-Python-worshipping masses?

    It seems that some here have yet to lose their deeply-ingrained training to look down on eveything. Clearly many have lost the point that those seeking to seek retribution around the blood issue may have a new asset. I'm looking forward to getting the article and reviewing it.

    But, be honest, can you blame some people for expecting a bit more after three days of hype?

  • Simon
    Valid points Simon, but it would be unfair to label everyone who disagrees with you as belonging to the Jerry Springer crowd.

    I agree which is why I'm not doing that.

    I am refering to those who cannot simply give their opinion but who seem to be intent on rubbishing Barbara and all the work she has done.

    Hey, people can be disappointed if they want to be but they don't need to get so vitriolic IMO.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I detest Jerry Springer.

  • stillajwexelder

    Hey, people can be disappointed if they want to be but they don't need to get so vitriolic IMO. especially Barbara - agreed Simon

  • Buster

    FHN ... and you get Jerry in the Russian Federation? I had no idea he was such an export.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Simon, people do love to whine and complain. I am not always one to completely remember the manners I was raised with so say this with no malice. If someone is disspointed with the news, maybe they should keep criticizm of Barb herself off the forum. Sometimes manners just need to overide our inclination to complain.

    FHN ... and you get Jerry in the Russian Federation? I had no idea he was such an export.

    Hehe. In Russia a good topic for Jerry Springer would be Cannibalism. Good grief, why are rural Russians prone to eating each other?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    a) actually read the article (duh!)


    b) really think about the implications

    Done both those things.Will reserve judgement till a future date.

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