Z, are you there?

by Hellrider 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellrider

    I`m discussing with a JW on another forum. He claims (of course...) that the New Testament also was written first in hebrew. I have refuted all of his claims, but he won`t listen (of course), and then I insisted that he provided me with a photocopy of this supposed "NT-original". He came up with this,not a photocopy, but a text in hebrew, and I need to understand what it says. It`s halfway down this page:


  • z

    I'm here but I can't see what is in the post try to post it as pic


  • InquiryMan

    I think there is a theory that Matthew was originally written in Matthew, and then translated into Greek...

  • z

    Ok I can see it now

    This is the first chapter in Mathew yes it’s Hebrew this is translation


  • z

    This document is from later pirate could be from 12century or later not biblical time

    The Hebrew used here is not biblical


  • Narkissos

    About the oldest extant Hebrew version of Matthew (not this one) see:


  • Hellrider

    Z, thanks!

  • jgnat

    I've got an older version of "All Scripture..." (c) 1963, open in front of me, chapter six. Hubby just recently reviewed this section as part of his regular study. Page 315 states,

    "However, the book of Matthew was apparently written first in Biblical Hebrew, to serve the Jewish people....The fourth-century Bible translator Jerome confirms this, and says that it was later translated in to the Greek."

    As we all know, the WTS uses "apparently" whenever things are not as apparent as they seem. In the same chapter, they admit that the new testament that we know today comes from:

    "A Reservoir of 13,600 Manuscripts. A tremendous fund of manuscript copies of all thwenty-seven canonical books is available today....the oldest of these many manuscripts is the papyrus fragment of the Gospel of John in the John Rylands Library in Manchester, England, known by the number P52, and which is dated about A.D. 150."

    Hmmm, a google search found me a full Hebrew text of Matthew written in the fourteenth century. Any other hebrew quotes are fragments only.


  • z

    Thx Narkissos

  • z

    Thx Narkissos

    In this text you linked Herllrider

    Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew never identifies Yeshua (Jesus) as the Christ:

    1:1 "these are the generations of Jesus…";

    1:18 "The birth of Jesus was in this way . . ." etc

    No Jesus is identifies but Yeshua

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