Why Door to Door on Christmas Day Is Not A Good Idea

by blondie 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FlyingHighNow

    Moi? I never worked in service on xmas day. I just knew it was a bad idea. Instead, when I lived down south, Waffle House is open and so are the movies. We would go to Waffle House to eat and then to the movies.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Blonde, Is anything they do a good idea? They obviously only ignore the whole Christmas thing just for the sake of setting themselves apart from the mainstream. It's all about them and their elitist, conceited identity.

  • blondie

    HB, actually I think the WTS uses it as a disciipline and filtering device. The elder/MS lowest on the totem pole usually gets assigned to take the group out. He rarely brings his family (smart people). The ones who show up are either regular pioneers like me behind in their time, crazy JWs who sign up to auxiliary pioneer in December, brothers trying to make brownie points to be appointed or given privileges.

    I can remember a few times the CO came during that week and Christmas fell on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. One year it was on the Saturday of the CO visit, supposedly the day the congregation pushes to get everyone out. Out of 90 publishers, only 30 showed up. Even some elders were absent.

    I always thought that the WTS made more enemies on that day (except for New Years Day when they woke up the overdrinkers and interrupted the footbal fans) than friends.


  • fairchild
    I always thought that the WTS made more enemies on that day (except for New Years Day when they woke up the overdrinkers and interrupted the footbal fans) than friends.

    Good point!

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