Holidays: Do you celebrate?

by Vitameatavegamin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Hello, me again!

    I smell something burning; Oh, just me thinking again!!
    anyway, one thing I always missed were the holidays-Christmas especially. I know that this is an unproven celebration to say the least, but I have always loved the warmth and beauty of this holiday, although very commercialized in this day and age. Do you feel it sacreliogious to celebrate such a holiday given what we know of it's origin? would God really disaprove? You're thoughts please. Thank-You.

  • Naeblis

    I only celebrate the ones that involve virgins in some capacity.

  • blondie

    Male or female virgins?

  • larc

    I really don't care where holidays came from. I celebrate them, especially Christmas because it brings joy to my children and draws our family closer toegether. My three children are married and I have two grandchildren. It is great to have a houseful of people together smiling, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. It is one of the few times a year where everyone can get together like that. Thanksgiving is great for the same reason.

  • dedalus
    would God really disaprove?

    I'm sure he does, which would be disturbing if he actually existed.


  • Silverleaf

    Hello Vita,

    In response to your question I'll quote the only book of the Bible that actually contained some meaning for me:


    3:12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live.

    9:7 Go eat your bread with enjoyment and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has long ago approved what you do.

    These are perhaps the only two versus I found that described what I thought God should be. My personal feeling is, why would any creator NOT want us to celebrate? Whether it's a birth or anniversary of a birth, a marriage, a victory, a friendship, a season, what good are we really if we don't appreciate what we have, and what better way to appreciate something than to celebrate with a holiday, a tradition, a party, a song, a feast, whatever makes you happy? Enjoy the holidays, whatever ones you choose. I can't imagine that any truly loving God would object at all.


  • crossroads

    Paul said "Therefore let NO ONE JUDGE you in food
    or drink, or regarding a FESTIVAL or a new moon or
    sabbaths"--Colossians 2:16 NKJV

    To think these bible thumbers disregarded this council
    and threw me out the first time over the festival of Christ
    birth the nerve.

    As far as celebrating holidays my favorite is Thanksgiving
    we are not celebrating anything it just a celebration of
    being together sharing the loves, lives and loses of all
    your loved ones. I use to love Christmas no more really
    it is just too much over the top. To me I'd rather make a day special out of the blue. Why wait for a birthday or aniversary
    to buy your wife flowers or your son or daughter a gift that
    will put them on cloud nine. When things are expected they
    are no longer special. Everyday is special and when I finally
    make that happen in my own life I will have found "The Way"

    Peace and Love----Mark

  • MrMoe

    Good line of thinking Silverleaf.
    I always did think it was stupid not to celebrate Thanksgiving becasue "we should give thanks year round." How dumb is that?

    Same could be said about Jesus' memorial. What a morbid holiday, celebrating the sufferring of Jesus Christ, his lungs drowning and heart dying with a level of suffering we cannot comprehend. It's almost sick that that is the only holiday JW's celebrate, other than wedding anniversaries. Don't want to give undue honor to anyone, but aren't Wedding Anniversaries the same darn thing? Dumb, if you ask me, just plain dumb.

  • Silverleaf

    Hello MrMoe,

    You wrote: Good line of thinking Silverleaf.

    Thanks. I was handed that line as well in regards to Mother's Day and Father's Day being wrong because we should honor our parents every day. While it's true that 365 days are better than one, isn't one day better than none?

    I digress though. I would like to know how the JWs explain the meanings of the verses quoted in this thread, especially the one by crossroads [Mark] regarding new moons and sabbaths. Anyone?


  • larc

    Hi Folks,

    I agree. That line that you should love mom, dad, the kids, et., etc, all the time is weak. Of course, we do, but with the press of busines, home repairs, etc. we don't get to demonstrate it to everybody everday. It is really nice to set aside one special day once a year for a special person. When Father's Day comes around and my three grown kids call all on the same day and send cards, do I feel good about it? You bet I do!

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