by JUSTAMOM 35 Replies latest jw friends


    Hello to all today:

    Just reading in the book of Isaiah 55-....and came across chapter 58.

    WOW! What a chapter.

    If only the WTBS could "see" just how hypocritical and hateful they truly are!

    What does Jah truly expect from us as to "fasting' 'sacrifice' 'sabbath'and 'true worship."

    For those INSIDE that think its ok to SHUN ANYBODY including your own flesh (relatives), please read this chapter.

    How Israel still forgets their God, his covenant, and true mercy through love.

    Notice THIS verse in the NWT (others even read better)

    ISAIAH 58:7 "Is it not the dividing of your bread out to the hungry one,and that you should bring the afflicted, homeless people into your house? That in case you should see someone naked, you must cover him, and that you should not HIDE YOURSELF FROM YOUR OWN FLESH?"

    (another translation reads, "Do not hide yourself from your relatives who need your help.")
    It NEVER says, UNLESS of course they are disfellowshipped.

    Why must they HATE, be so unmerciful, show no compassion, no love or pity for so many people including themselves?
    Why is it they cannot LOOK IN THE MIRROR, stop casting srones, stop preaching condemnation and start loving?

    I know I know the answer

    Just a thought

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • KSJordan

    Yeah, I have the 2 books about Isaiah that came out this year and last at the conventions. I read the part about the lame leaping up like a deer, etc. in chapter 35:5,6, and they now are teaching that it is figurative about the condition of the Israelites. Remember all of those inspirational articles about sick and disabled people where they would quote that scripture? They used to teach it as a literal occurence, not it is figurative? Go figure!!!

  • nytelecom1

    *** w88 4/15 27-8 Discipline That Can Yield Peaceable Fruit ***
    Why is such a firm stand appropriate even today? Well, reflect on
    the severe cutting off mandated in God's Law to Israel. In various serious
    matters, willful violators were executed. (Leviticus 20:10; Numbers 15:30, 31)
    When that happened, others, even relatives, could no longer speak with the dead
    lawbreaker. (Leviticus 19:1-4; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; 17:1-7) Though loyal Israelites
    back then were normal humans with emotions like ours, they knew that God is just
    and loving and that his Law protected their moral and spiritual cleanness. So they
    could accept that his arrangement to cut off wrongdoers was fundamentally a good
    and right thing.-Job 34:10-12.

    10 We can be just as sure that God's arrangement that Christians
    refuse to fellowship with someone who has been expelled for
    unrepentant sin is a wise protection for us. "Clear away the old leaven,
    that you may be a new lump, according as you are free from ferment." (1 Corinthians 5:7) By also avoiding persons who have deliberately disassociated themselves, Christians are protected from possible critical, unappreciative, or even apostate views.-Hebrews 12:15, 16.

    What About Relatives?

    11 God certainly realizes that carrying out his righteous
    laws about cutting off wrongdoers often involves and affects
    relatives. As mentioned above, when an Israelite wrongdoer
    was executed, no more family association was possible. In fact,
    if a son was a drunkard and a glutton, his parents were to bring him
    before the judges, and if he was unrepentant, the parents were to share
    in the just executing of him, 'to clear away what is bad from the midst
    of Israel.' (Deuteronomy 21:18-21
    You can appreciate that this would not
    have been easy for them. Imagine, too, how the wrongdoer's brothers, sisters,
    or grandparents felt. Yet, their putting loyalty to their righteous God before
    family affection could be lifesaving for them.

    12 Recall the case of Korah, a leader in rebellion against God's
    leadership through Moses. In his perfect justice, Jehovah saw that
    Korah had to die. But all loyal ones were advised: "Turn aside, please, from before
    the tents of these wicked men and do not touch anything that belongs to them, that
    you may not be swept away in all their sin." Relatives who would not accept God's
    warning died with the rebels. But some of Korah's relatives wisely chose to be loyal
    to Jehovah, which saved their lives and led to future blessings.-Numbers 16:16-33; 26:9-11; 2 Chronicles 20:19.

    13 Cutting off from the Christian congregation does not involve
    immediate death, so family ties continue. Thus, a man who is
    disfellowshipped or who disassociates himself may still live at home with
    his Christian wife and faithful children.Respect for God's judgments and the
    congregation's action will move the wife and children to recognize that by his course,
    he altered the spiritual bond that existed between them. Yet, since his being
    disfellowshipped does not end their blood ties or marriage relationship, normal
    family affections and dealings can continue.

    14 The situation is different if the disfellowshipped or
    disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate
    family circle and home.
    It might be possible to have almost no
    contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family
    matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum,
    in line with the divine principle: "Quit mixing in company with anyone
    called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person [or guilty of another
    gross sin], . . . not even eating with such a man."-1 Corinthians 5:11.

    15 Understandably, this may be difficult because of emotions and family ties,
    such as grandparents' love for their grandchildren. Yet, this is a test of
    loyalty to God, as stated by the sister quoted on page 26. Anyone who is feeling
    the sadness and pain that the disfellowshipped relative has thus caused may find
    comfort and be encouraged by the example set by some of Korah's relatives.-Psalm 84:10-12.

  • AGuest

    Dearest nytelecom... may you have peace!

    May I say to you that 'christians' are not UNDER the Law Covenant, that such Law was IMPALED, nailed to the torture pole/stake/tree/wood WITH my Lord's flesh? May I then, direct you to the words at 2 Corinthians 3:12-18? Read, dear one... and may you get the 'sense' of it:

    "Therefore, as WE have such a hope, WE are using
    great FREENESS of speech, and NOT doing as when
    Moses would put a veil upon his face, that the
    sons of Israel might NOT gaze intently at the END
    of that which was to be done AWAY with (the Law

    "But THEIR mental powers were DULLED. For to this
    present day the SAME veil remains unlifted at
    the reading of the old covenant, because IT is
    done AWAY with... BY MEANS OF CHRIST
    . In FACT,
    down till today, WHENEVER Moses is read, a

    "But... when their is a turning to JAH... the veil
    ... IS TAKEN AWAY. Now JAH is a Spirit; and where
    the SPIRIT of JAH is, there is FREEDOM.

    "All of US, while we with UNVEILED faces reflect
    like mirrors the glory of JAH, are TRANSFORMED
    into the SAME 'image'... from glory TO glory...
    EXACTLY as done by JAH's spirit."

    You have extensively quoted from the Law Covenant. For what reason? Have we not, by means of Christ, been set FREE from such 'law', and been given a NEW law, a NEW 'covenant', where by we are to love EVERYONE... God, our brothers, our neighbor... AND our enemy?

    Matthew 5:43-48

    Dear one, do you not know and have you not heard, that if you adhere to ONE part of the Law... you are bound by them ALL? May I ask then, do you eat shrimp? Lobster? Ham? Bacon? If so, then due to your adherence to 'certain parts' of the Law, you have in doing so, 'transgressed them ALL'.

    The Law Covenant, nytelecom, was a law for the flesh... and which judged and condemned, in many cases... to death. The NEW Covenant, however, is a law for the SPIRIT... and forgives and RELEASES... in ALL cases (except willful sin, which is one means of blashphemy against the holy spirit)... to LIFE.

    Hear and get the sense of this: "Stop judging... that you may not BE judged. For with the SAME judgment that you are judging... you WILL... BE judged." Rather, "Go releasing."

    Men used the Law Covenant to judge and condemn, dear one. My Lord, however, has established a NEW covenant... and uses IT... to forgive... and release.

    I bid you peace, and I am,

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • willy_think
  • Francois

    The WTBTS has apparently never heard of the book of Galatians, the entire burden of which is the realization that observance of the law is no longer a requirement for Christians. Not only that, but anyone who came around urging a return to the observance of the law was to be ignored.

    The society attempts to get around Galatians by claiming that the principles of the law continue to be applicable. Is this nothing more than just a slick way to reimpose those elements of the Law which it wishes to reimpose?

    Quotes from the law and from the OT about stoning sons and daughters for various wrongdoings are ILLEGITIMATE and UNSCRIPTURAL.

    All JWs should be shunning the WTBTS, casting it out of their lives as being a FALSE PROPHET, for that is exactly what it is.

    It took years to find a way to successfully prosecute tobacco companies. In today's environment, I doubt it will take as long to discover a way to successfully sue the WTBTS, and after the first successfull suit, the floodgates will open against it and all the anger of all the people who have been subjected to SPIRITUAL RAPE by the WTBTS will be poured out against these bastards.

    Hide and watch. See if I'm right.



    Hello my sister and may you also have peace upon you and your family

    Amen to those scriptures about the old law and adherance to it.

    When we understand that love bears, believes, hopes and endures ALL things....LOVE NEVER FAILS! There is NO law against law!!

    NO LAW! Galatians 5:23!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NO LAW
    NO BOOKS can tell us we cannot show love to someone.
    We do not have to condone and share in a particular sin with ANYONE, but we are still under obligation to show love to that one. Whether love prompts us to tell our brother he is headed in a dangerous direction, or whether we are to be there when called upon.

    WE ARE NOT HERE TO CONDEMN. That is NOT our ministry nor our purpose in life. The WTBS FAILS grossly in realizing this. Therefore, because of this, they have determined their own judgement!

    Where they continually lack mercy, love and forgiveness, it will not be shown to them. This aint about us and now.
    There's a big picture and a future. And ALL will stand before the judgement seat.

    Just a thought

    JUST A MOM (Kim) love ya!


    Hello nytelecom (?)

    Appreciate your sharing all the WT quotes.
    But honestly, by adhering to the law (old) not new covenant puts this organization in the same boat as the jewish sysytem of things.

    Christ came and fulfilled that law. They rejected it!
    Christ came to show a surpassing way of love. They rejected it!
    Christ came and showed we are to love even our enemies and pray for them. They rejected it!
    Christ came first to the house of Israel as gods chosen people to invite them first into a new covenant leading to life, not one of death. They rejected it!

    Therefore, Jah rejected them! Yes disfellowshipped them as a nation!
    Remember, "You house has been abandoned to you!"

    So, now,the shoe is on the other foot for the WTBS!
    Praying for mercy, forgiveness and showing love to ALL should be a priority on their list.
    Not condemming and casting stones.

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • ozziepost


    The WTBTS has apparently never heard of the book of Galatians, the entire burden of which is the realization that observance of the law is no longer a requirement for Christians. Not only that, but anyone who came around urging a return to the observance of the law was to be ignored.

    The society attempts to get around Galatians by claiming that the principles of the law continue to be applicable. Is this nothing more than just a slick way to reimpose those elements of the Law which it wishes to reimpose?

    Quotes from the law and from the OT about stoning sons and daughters for various wrongdoings are ILLEGITIMATE and UNSCRIPTURAL

    Absolutely correct! Thanks for pointing that out but I wonder how many, or rather how few, of the R&F will 'see' that.

    It's no wonder that Rutherford choes the name Jehovah's Witnesses as opposed to the scriptural name of Jesus witnesses. Jesus said: "You will be witnesses of ME" (Acts 1:8) The religion the Watchtower organisation has developed is based on the OT as much as the NT. I guess in their world that's appropriate as they have taught that the NT is NOT for the Great Crowd. What are they left with? Just the law contained in the OT.


    No, they haven't got it right. The best advice that could be given is "Get out of her, my people!"


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Ozziepost hit's the nail on the head in his post. Jehovah's witnesses' theology basically is neo-Judaism; formalistic, works-oriented and legalistic. When invoked, the name of Jesus is to them little more than an ``area code'' to dial up when trying to reach God through prayer.

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