The art of screw pushing

by wannaexit 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit

    Well I still go out in service. So does my husband. We decided that since we have to keep up with this facade we might as well have some fun .

    So we go up to a door and pretend to push the doorbell. What we really do though is push the screw on the doorbell.

    No one is the wiser. We have even pushed the screw with other jdubs right beside us.

    At the end of service we measure our success by the number of screws we pushed.

    We usually have a good laugh


  • ithinkisee

    I've done that for years. I know a Service Overseer who is a member of JWD that does the same thing.

    I used to do that in NYC when I was in the Brooklyn Heights congregation. I sometimes worked with a deaf sister and it made the job that much easier.



  • Gretchen956


    Well whatever it takes!


  • ballistic

    Well, a few months back one called on me by mistake (I am a do not call) and said "do you know anyone deaf or blind?" - That was his whole presentation.

    Of course, I should have replied "What? - Who said that?"

  • observador

    That's interesting!
    I have never done that, but a friend of mine did with his girlfriend...

    Has any householder ever come out and said "what you doin pushing that screw? Isn't it easier to push the button?" ha ha hah.

  • misspeaches

    LOL... sounds like you have perfected the art!

    But I was wondering that too. Hasn't any of the householders just seen you there and come out anyway?

  • wannaexit
    But I was wondering that too. Hasn't any of the householders just seen you there and come out anyway?

    If the householder come out then we will talk\


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