God's Organization.

by Blueblades 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    How many Witnesses genuinely believe Jesus would pick this organization if he were to examine it today? If they believe he would, on what basis would he do so?

    I'm not sure if Jesus would be happy with the "Christian Organisation" either. "Christian Organisation" meaning the Christian religion. It is an Organisation isn't it?

    Would Jesus tell the churches to sell their buildings and give the proceeds to the poor and for them meet in homes instead? Would he like the diversity of docrine? Would he like religion that mixes in politics? Who knows.

    I imagine if he were to come today and speak.....there are many things he would change in all faiths/denominations. One thing he would see, is that the people who follow him and are doing so in different ways......are doing what they feel makes him happy. If he's as just as he was on earth......he should be able to deal with that.



  • robhic
    Would Jesus tell the churches to sell their buildings and give the proceeds to the poor and for them meet in homes instead?

    Would Jesus be surprised when they all looked at him funny, moved away and ignored him for even suggesting that?

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    My question is, why does.n't the Watchtower Society have this teaching listed and supported by Scripture?


    Howdy Blueblades

    This here question of yours is what we in the intellectual community give the scientifcal moniker of "rhetorical" which means ya'll don't really spect an answer. Now, some egghead types are prone to disagree with that assessment, and dang gum it if that ain't there God-given Constitutional right. Granted, you may be questioning my sanity or my sobriety, or both, but I swear on a stack of Bibles before God and His Holy Angels, that the bottle of Nyquil I drank has not affected my mind in the least. That is a scientifical fact we in the intellectual community call "lying thru yer teeth" but we'll discuss that some other time.

    In my many and manifold dealings with the above named cultic corporation , officially known by the exclsuive and proprietary name of "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Inc" (as well as other legal designations too numerous to mention, leastwise when I'm this messed up), I have discovered a predilection toward prevarication. I would even go so far as to accuse them of stretching the truth here and there for the sake of argument. I know I know. Such a revelation is a psychic shock and surpise. To actually entertain the wild assumption that religious organizations regularly and deliberately blow smoke signals where the sun don't shine is a bold and presumptuous claim on my part, unsupported as it is by any evidence.

    However, in my own defense and justification, I do hereby swear an oath, even my vow, pledge, troth, asservation, assurance, and guarantee, that you will find the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, Inc, to be composed mainly (though not exclusively) of ne'er do wells intent on establishing and maintaining a worldwide publishing emprire under the pretence of operating a non-prophet charitable, educational, and religious organization. Furthermore, it is my considered opinion as a citizen of these United States and it's immediate environs, that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc, has in fact compromised both the security and integrity of this here message board by posing as one of our very own. To wit, Rex the Wonder Dog, aka "The Shining One."

    Let's take a shine to that boy.

    "Just a good ol' boy"

  • AuldSoul


    Nah, it isn't an organization. There are a lot of orgs that try, but as soon as they codify they become corrupt.


  • gumby
    Would Jesus be surprised when they all looked at him funny, moved away and ignored him for even suggesting that?

    LMAO ! Ok Robhic...you got me. I was in a little pissy this morning when I said that and it wasn't fair.

    A trip with Jesus to various denominations however would be an interesting tour...eh? I think the one i'd like to watch his face the most would be with the holy roller bastards. He'd have a cow.


  • yaddayadda

    The thing is though that if you ask any typical JW why they feel they have the true religion they will never mention Matt 24: 45-47. Instead they will say things like "Only we preach the good news of the kingdom as per Matt 24: 14", or "only we worship the one true God Jehovah, not the trinity, and only we preach the truth about the condition of the dead", or "only we correctly predicted something big in 1914", or something similar.

    It is their rather unique blend of doctrine that convinces them they alone have the true religion. I think Don Cameron's book is good but it misses the point. I honestly believe, that if the GB dropped the whole Matthew 24: 45-47 as applied to 1919 and adopted e-watchman's interpretation that the appointment of the slave is still future, there would probably only be a small fraction of JW's that would drop out because of it.

  • robhic
    A trip with Jesus to various denominations however would be an interesting tour...eh? I think the one i'd like to watch his face the most would be with the holy roller bastards. He'd have a cow.

    And just imagine the look on his face if he would see one of those religions that dance with snakes!

    JC: WTF? Are you people dancin' with that there snake? Are ye nuts? It's a SNAKE not a dancing partner. What are you thinking?!

    I think the J-man would really start tripping if he personally (if he was real in the first place...) observed some of the weird-ass shit done in his name!

    Robert -- professional heathen

  • Alwayshere

    Tophat, I agree with you about religion. None have the truth, it is all about money.

  • heathen

    yah you would think if they started off with , we are the only true religion in the world and you are forbidden to join another church while studying our material , they would just tip people off to how cultic they really are . I think having truth is important but to the WTBTS the truth is transient .

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