OK Guys... Your help neede and appreciated!

by Mastodon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • kiddotan

    Maybe you could tell her about the tree. But she is coming into your house and your traditions (even if they are new to you guys). If she is a true friend, she may feel uncomfortable, but she will except how you live your life. (not very easy for JW's i have noticed).

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I agree that it is best to give her some kind of a warning about what you are doing. I think you have to be careful not to present it with a for us or against us attitude, you're just letting her know that this is what you do now. She probably won't care but if she does at least she won't feel like she has been abushed.

  • jwfacts

    A person that is a WTS slave can not see reason, nothing you say about Christmas trees is likely to convince her.

    I think it better to say that you say you no longer believe the WTS is God's Organisation. Explain how once you understood that fact other things suddenly became so much clearer. If she wants to discuss if the WTS has the truth then that will be more interesting and beneficial.

    Telling her before hand that you have a tree and are no longer a JW is important, otherwise she could be put in a very difficult situation when she arrives.

  • Mysterious

    Just remember that it's your house to do what you like in and remind her that just because you put a tree up doesn't show that she approves of or agrees with you for doing so since she has no control over your house.

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