A Letter That Touched Her Heart, from the Branch Office, to the CO's. Wife.

by Blueblades 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    The one thing I've noticed from some of the churches I've been involved in, is that the pastor's wives are VERY involved in their own ministries. Many times those ministries are geared for other women in the congregation or specifically for the wives of the church leadership. It's my belief that just like men that are called to the ministry, their wives are called to be minister's wives. It does take a special kind of woman to be a happy minister's wife. But then again, the churches I've been involved in do not treat women as lesser class citizens either. Women are encouraged to seek their own niche within the congregation, whether they are married to leadership or not. I find my current pastor's wife one of the most encouraging, sweet, wise women I know. She works full-time as a teacher, has raised three kids, is involved in teaching Sunday School class and has been married to her husband for close to 25 years. We had them over for dinner last spring and it was obvious they were still very much in love. They kidded around and teased each other and held hands a lot. It was a neat thing to witness. And it was an incredibly stark contrast to many of the JW marriages I saw growing up. Where the women are ignored and oppressed in ways that are completely unbiblical and unloving. It makes me sad for my mom.

  • observador

    "I deferred any decision, saying that we would continue for the rest of the week and see how she felt by then."
    Right, right, right.... humn...
    He certainly wrote to the Society telling about the situation, and was just waiting for the back-patting letter to arrive; and it did just in time...
    Now, the Society won't tell JWs about that little detail. The result is that JWs will be left with the impression that Jah miraculously provided the needed encourajement.
    Only in the WT world! A racket indeed!

  • young hearts, be free..
    young hearts, be free..

    How very lovely and warm of the Society to send such encouragement, it made my cold, mislead heart melt

    I remember about 2 or 3 years back we had a single brother as our CO, he was around 35-40 years old and had come into the Truth when he was in his 20's. He had done our circuit 2 times before he seemed to just vanish into thin theocratic air, a week or so after having lunch with him and my then-girlfriends mum and discussing the life, sacrifices and rewards of being a CO and what my ambitions/goals were for the future....

    No one I spoke to had seen or heard from him in a few weeks, except for the elders in the know who, looking back at it now, were really vague in explaining where he was and said he was serving in a small congregation in the South Island...It all seemed fairly dodgy to me at the time, and it still does when I am bothered to think of all the fucked up things that went on in the Truth.

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