by stillAwitness 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Miss Peaches, we ought to be able to transfer files to each other. I mean people on this board should be able to. Using MSN messenger or any messenger type program can help one transfer a file very quickly.

  • Poztate

    Nobody needs a literature counter anymore or even to go to the KH.I am sure a lot of witnesses and (others ) use free file transfering programs such as this one http://www.yousendit.com/ to get what they need.

  • stillAwitness

    Well the rule has always been that nobody not a witness is allowed to have the cd rom. yes, I am talking about the WT library one. As far as a list goes- I met the order list that goes out every month that you list all the specific publications you want for the month.

  • Aude_Sapere

    My first thought was that they curtail who can acquire because they want to make sure that adequate contribution is made. Not just the 10cents for the disc but more like the $150+ for the finished product/program.

    They only 'say' that there is limited stock to make sure that they get paid.


  • wednesday

    Right after we went to donation I noticed the bros would watch and see if you contributed for the literature.If you did not contribute something, I have heard them refuse the literature to those people the next time they tried to get literature.. I was once give a brief sermon on what it costs to make these (all b/c I did not immediately put money in the box in front of the brother ) and how no one at bethel is getting rich and Jehovah (angels) are watching us and more threats for the bible.. I'm not kidding, they once looked at me like they would like to drive a stake through my heart. I of course, had no intention of paying the suggested price for the literature (i donated as I was able), but it made me feel good to see them have to give it to me, b/c i was still a publisher and attended the meetings (ramdonly) If looks could , kill i've seen those looks. I gave those people my time and some money, but we never contributed a lot. But we did always pay for the literature. When it went to donation,we put in what we could spare, but not the suggested price.I was grateful when the donation program came into play, it helped us afford literature we normally could not have gotten.


  • katiekitten

    Wow this is an amazing thread. I had no idea the CD Rom was limited to JW's. How bizarre.

    Whats on it thats important enough to be kept secret?

    Honestly its so pathetically burocratic, and self important.

  • blondie

    I can remember hearing the WTS sent letters to some congregations because their donations to the Worldwide Work did not come close to the "suggested" value of the publications that were being ordered, pre-donation big ticket items.

    What a liar and a coward, that literature servant was by not first explaining that except for the current study publications (magazines and books) and bibles, that no other literature could be ordered by a non-baptized person. He shoved it back on the sister instead. I bet he makes his wife walk 10 paces behind or is that 10 paces ahead in the minefield.


  • aniron

    I was Literature Servant when they brought in the "donation" arrangement.

    It was obvious in the first year that brothers/sisters were ordering stuff left, right and centre.

    Deluxe Bibles where a big item, back then before the change, they cost £6 to buy. Many who could not afford them before, where soon getting them. Then bound volumes of Watchtower and Awake where the next item.

    The CD-Rom came in not long afterwards, big rush on them as well.

    Then as time went on we got letters from Bethel giving "suggested" costs for certain items. I think when I left the "charge" for a CD-Rom was £25 ($45). In the end they made it a "controlled stock" item which usually meant so many would be produced and only if you really wanted one should you order one. Sometimes such "controlled" items would take months to come.

    I think also now that the CD is getting into "others" hands and being used for research against the WT they are a bit funny about who gets one.

    Incidentlt we never had a box for money on the Literature counter. In the instructions we got was that it should be placed at the back of the Kingdom Hall next to the box for the Worldwide Work.

  • katiekitten

    Yes, Aniron, I remember all that now. I remember when the literature became 'free', and I remember the rush on bibles and bound volumes. I was always scrupulously honest about 'paying' for anything I took, but was really suprised at the avarice of the cong.

    And I never understood why controlled items took so long to come, but it all seemed very important at the time. It all seems so trivial now.

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