Did you ever go out in Field Service on Thanksgiving or Christmas morning

by pratt1 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Virgogirl

    We left them alone. We knew all we'd do was piss them off and ruin any chance of getting them to open the door some other time. It was a blessed day to stay home and R&R.

  • nilfun

    Some of the JW kids (like me) were compelled to do it -- and no, it wasn't any fun to go up to a door only to hear a family laughing somewhere in the background (having fun) and smell the wonderful scents ( that great "Christmas tree smell" was a favorite) wafting out of the front door while I fumbled with the magazines and gave my clumsy presentation.

  • tonyend

    I went out on x-mas once and all I ever placed was a single tract. I remember feeling uncomfortable going out on holidays and Superbowl Sunday. Actually, I felt more like an idiot. I felt like I was intruding.

  • Spectre

    My folks always thought that they were being so brave by going out and preaching to mormons on holidays. I think eventually they figured out that they were just being annoying(like any other time). I was glad because I hated it.

  • katiekitten

    I did it once but it did feel lousy, like I was leaning heavily on the goodwill of people. I did it with a sort of smug martyr feeling. I think I got offered a few mince pies.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I remember going out one Thanksgiving under duress. When the P.O. was talking about showing Jesus' example by going out I raised my hand and asked if Jesus wouldn't have considered that it was not a day conducive to people truly talking and learning about God. Jesus visited the town well etc...and informal witnessed. He didn't shove religion down people's throat. The P.O. made some smart ass answer of "well if they slam the door in your face on a holiday it just shows their true heart condition to be goats, and we have done our part of Jah's service". Made me sick. Never went out after that EVER again on ANY holiday including 4th of July, Xmas, New Year's, etc.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Certainly not through choice...but between the ages of about 8-12 i was dragged out every xmas Day by my moronic parents.

    Stupid,stupid and stupid!

  • luna2

    I'm trying to remember if I ever took my kids out on Christmas. I don't think so because most of the time they were visiting their father that time of year. I think I went out at least once each holiday, and soon decided that I was going to listen to my own instincts and not do it again. Nothing worse than interrupting families while they are opening presents, eating breakfast in their pajamas or busily preparing for a houseful of company.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I went out on Christmas Day for years, and on Boxing Day, though most people were still in bed. I never really thought about how intrusive doing that might seem.

    I won't be out this year though.

  • kid-A

    Yes, my parents actually used to go out on Christmas day, banging on doors. I remember them thinking how considerate it was of them to wait a little longer (until 10 am) to start harassing people as they sat around trying to enjoy their presents and families. Oh that was so embarassing for me, those poor people having to listen to those dubs telling them how evil and pagan x-mas was on x-mas day!!!!

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