With the new Disfellowshipping procedure, How will the congo know who left?

by booker-t 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • misspeaches

    I agree with Willyloman.

    Disassociation was the worse crime of the two. That was how it was viewed in my cong...

    However I know myself personally that I would wonder more about how they could possibly take that action as opposed to disphellowshipping. It certainly gave me lots of food for thought.... I think the society doesn't want people to think about why someone would disassociate themselves. Who knows where that type of thinking may lead???

  • Kaput
    Do you think JW's leaders will eventually do away with the announcing and shunning former JW's in the congregations all together? Or will they continue to shun and expell members?

    Hold on... let me check....


  • dedpoet

    When i da'd, the announcement was that I was no longer a jw, and from what I've heard, some assumed that I'd been caught in some wrongdoing, though I had been away from meetings for several years then, though most people now know I da'd.

    As for the shunning, they will never abandon that, it's their main weapon to keep doubters in, especially those with families in the org.

  • startingover

    I too agree with Willyloman

    DA and you are Satan in the flesh.

  • hamsterbait

    If the victim or beneficiary of the new announcement takes court action the onus is on them to prove and win a case.

    VERY expensive - WTS knows how to do this to their enemies.


  • VM44

    They have no right to say from the stage "So and So is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    JEHOVAH decides who are his Witnesses! Not the Elders! and not The Watchtower!

    Jehovah is the one who decides, unless, in actuality, they are the ones making the decision, and Jehovah is merely a sock puppet for them to use!


  • TheListener

    From my point of view while still a dub: Someone who da'd themself was way worse than someone who got df'd.

    IN MY OLD FRAME OF MIND: To da yourself the person had to have a grudge against the society and be angry. WTF! the society never did anything wrong, if you don't agree just leave! You don't have to make a statement about it!

    I now realize, of course, that just leaving isn't the easy option I always thought it was. YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I agree with willowyman Da'ing was always seen as the really bad thing, that only someone haughty and that had rejected Jehovah would do.

    I think that in view of the WTS's ne policy, as soon as you know you no longer can stand going to meetings etc, you should write a letter or make a phone call to your JW freinds before they suspect anything, and explain why you are taking this course, then when it is announced they will fill in the rest as to why you are no longer a JW.


  • colorado5591
    that only someone haughty and that had rejected Jehovah would do.

    Oh! Gag me! There is another one of those JW buzzwords! Akin to "suchlike ones"

    ~Amy~ of the "puffed up with pride" class

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