**When profanity is worse than death....**

by under74 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74

    Man Jumped From Truck Following Argument
    November 12th, 2005 @ 9:21pm (KSL News) Police now say an argument caused a 21-year-old man to jump from a moving truck in South Jordan. Tyler Poulson was riding with his brothers last night when he became offended by one of them using profanity. Poulson, who recently returned from an LDS mission, threatened to get out of the truck if he continued. One of the men, not thinking he would, told Poulson to. Earlier police said the car was going about 35 miles an hour when Poulson opened the door and jumped. He was pronounced dead on scene.


  • IP_SEC

    Another fundy bites the dust. Damn, well at least he's with the lord now.

  • Elsewhere

    Dumb ass.

    He watchted too many car-chase movies and thought it really was possible to jump out of a moving vehicle.

    Hell, even my brother couldn't manage to jump out of a car going 5 MPH... he tripped and the rear tire ran over his leg with a 1.5" diameter rock underneath his leg. The weight of the car forced the rock into his leg leaving a huge gaping hole that took months to heal.

  • Mary

    Poulson, who recently returned from an LDS mission

    "LDS"?? Isn't that what Captain Kirk said Spock did too much of at Berekely?

    Sorry.......should'nt make fun of someone who's died but honestly: this is without a doubt one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.......maybe he just should've plugged his ears till he got home.

  • undercover

    Cleansing the gene pool one moron at a time...

  • jgnat

    This incident is definitely a candidate for the Darwin Awards www.darwinawards.com

  • luna2

    Poor silly idiot! Guess he should make it to heaven for sure as he was willing to die rather than listen to dirty words. Its really sad that people are that dumb.

  • jgnat

    Or, as the darwinawards would say, fortituous that they removed themselves from the gene pool before they passed on the stupidity gene.

  • skinnyboy

    I think he suffered from NedFlanderism, unable to tolerate the world, poor soul.

    I did feel the earth get lighter for a second, and the air smelled a little bit sweeter at teh time of his death though.

  • JAVA

    I can just see God saying, "What in the hell were you thinking?"

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