Shaking with adrenalin, fear and anger

by Crumpet 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crumpet

    Never was a glass of wine so keenly anticipated as this one.

    An hour ago I was sitting at the station waiting for a train and having my first cigarette of the last few days. I don't usually smoke in public except in bars, but this was the end of a difficult and tiring week for me being my first week back at work and having hjad to do it all on crutches.

    When all of a sudden some 60+ old nutter started yelling at me. He said you don't know what you are doing to yourself- you will die horribly of cancer. (Is there a smoker who does not know this?! I do not chose to be addicted - I just am.) Then he started saying I admire women who have wonderful menstrual cycles but you are clearly a fool. I have seen him once before yelling at a woman across the otherside of the tracks for talking too loudly on her mobile phone. She was completely oblivious and all the other waiting passengers just exchanged nervous smiles. He rants on and on and on at the tp of his voice. I began to feel very shakey as I hate confrontation, but I am really proud of the way I handled myself.

    I told him firmly and snootily that I would call the station master and have him removed for harrassing me.

    "I'm not harrassing you!" he bellowed in his pompous grating voice and then continued his rant. At this point a really sweet young lad - no more than 17 came to my aid and said "Just leave her alone mate".

    I said calmly but firmly "You have approached me uninvited and are continuing to harrass me despite my warning." For a moment he seemed a bit put of balance as if he had expected me to sound really stupid or meekly put my cigarette out and look embarrassed.

    if i had not been disadvanaged and on cructhes I would have drawn myself to full height and had a go back but actually this might have made things worse.

    Anyway he continued on saying the most outrageous disgusting chauvinistic things about women's reproductive systems as if that is the only thing we have going for us. so I pulled out my phone.

    And it was like the whole station had gone quiet.

    "Right i am calling the station master and I will have you evicted and banned form using public transport for harrassing women on their own". I was actually quiet scared, but I willed my hands not to show they were shaking as my heart just pounded like mad. He eventually realised I was serious and ttrotted off muttering to himself to the farthest end of the platform. To steady my nerves I faked a pretend phone call to my boyfriend laughingly describing the nutter who has just approached me and thankfully my train arrived.

    I just needed to vent that to calm myself down. The whole journey home I was just shaking like mad.

    Does anyone else get that adrenalin rush when confronted and verbally attacked by someone you know or by a stranger?

  • daystar

    Oh hell f**k yes! Let me at 'im. I'll rip off his head and sh** down his neck!

    (Whoa, I just rather shocked myself.)

  • skyman

    Are you sure he was not the P.O. in my old congregation

  • AlmostAtheist

    Wow, you handled that beautifully! I can't imagine a better outcome overall.

    Then he started saying I admire women who have wonderful menstrual cycles

    What guy in the world doesn't stand in admiration at the menstrual cycle?

    What a whack-job.

    And yes, it always affects me as you described when I'm confronted, particularly by lunatics.


  • defd

    Does anyone else get that adrenalin rush when confronted and verbally attacked by someone you know or by a stranger?

    Of course. I grew up on the streets of Detroit. I was a gangster with a bad temper. I didnt grow up as a witness. Since becoming one, that Detroit mentality is something I have always struggled with. You know, the attitude.........Say sumthin again and Ill beat you down!


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I think you deserve an award for not shoving one of your crutches up his "a**"

    You poor thing....I would have started yelling and shaking all at once. I hate people like this!


  • dezpbem

    Yeah. That's a normal reaction. You handled the situation well. Adrenalin affects most people that way and it's difficult to react calmly when it flows. Just to be safe stay away from the edge of the platform till your legs are fully healed. It may be best to stay toward the wall if possible.

  • Crumpet

    Thank you guys!

    I was just as touched by your long distance protective instinct Daystar as I was by the little lad who sweetly tried to get the old man to go away.

    Skyman - Happy birthday mate! No when do we get a more seasonal avatar! ;-)

    Why Georgia - I know what you mean - had I had some dutch courage inside me and not been on crutches who knows what would have happened but it wouldn;t have been pretty.

    Thank you Almosty Atheist - I respect your admiration/fear of the menstrual cycle! If that man had caught me two days on from now - dutch courage or not my menstrual cycle would have been at its nastiest peak and I would have gotten very angry and in public and then I would have felt ashamed of myself.

    Defd - I never knew that was your background - I'd always assumed you'd been born and bred JW. I don;t know much of the gangsta culture except that you must have had to have been on your guard at all times and prepared for unpleasant confrontation.

    I think what might be slightly different about Britain and the states - and I'm sorry if I'm judging by stereotypes from the tv and movies - is that generally we are polite and aloof, ignore bad behaviour unless it directly threatens us or someone else nearby. When I see things like Sex and The City as a random example where a character may shout at a cab driver, vociferously express impatience I cringe. If you do verbally tackle someone here it would quickly degenerate into violence - in fact you wouldn't verbally have a go if you weren;t hard enough for the physical fight that would ensue.

    I hoep I'm making sense - I'm still in a bit of a trembly whirl.

    Its a shame because I was in such a good mood to that point. All is not lost - at least i behaved in a dignified manner. The thing is if I had lit up in close proximity to someone and they had said would you mind putting that out I would without question and apologise because it is a filthy habit and I do not wish to defend it one bit. But I've come away so wound up I'll probably smoke 30 now in a few hours!

  • banished1

    Wow Crumpet! I admire the way you handled yourself!!!!!!!
    Lets hear it for our Miss Crumpet!!!!!!

  • defd

    Have a drink on me Feel good about yourself for not allowing someone to make you act in a way that is unbefitting.


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