Are Most Folks Here Agnostics and Atheists?

by Nate Merit 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Atheist here !!! Glad you have joined our ranks on the board and are taking on the fundamentalists. I will be checking out your book!


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Leolaia

    It's good to 'see' you. An open-minded yet skeptical agnosticism is about all we moderns can really muster in the face of advances in understanding. I loved this quote:

    "I am an atheist because I am mad at God ... for not existing."

    I have no belief in or experience of a divine Person or Persons. As far as I can determine both within via mystical experience and via study and reasoning, such a being is preposterous.

    Yet I touch the Mystery every day. I refuse to try and explain It. I have tried a few times and then regretted it later.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Shelley

    I have had some limited experience with Wicca. I think nature worship is quite satisfying and fun. Especially when one can take the pain with the pleasure, the dark with the light, the positive and the negative.

    Thanks for replying! :)

  • Jourles

    Agnostic here.

    As with most things in my life, I prefer to keep my options open.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hello Crumpet

    Please make mine a rum and coke. If you don't have any coke, shot of rum will do nicely.

    You came by your atheism honestly, giving it time and consideration. I hold people who make these decisions the way you did in high regard.

    I wish Mark had done the same. Thanks for posting.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Matt

    I'm really pleased at all these responses.

    Some of your statements lead me to think you might enjoy Gnosticism. Although we are "Knowers" we are also deeply skeptical of our own mystical knowledge. We know we haven't an objective leg to stand on.

    Yours in the Primal Anthropos,

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Lonely Sheep

    I'm willing to bet it took you some time and thought to arrive at your atheism in an honest fashion. Goodonyemate. I wish Mark had given it time. Then I would know he came by his conviction honestly.

    Thanks for posting.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi defd

    I don't know you well enough yet to be able to tell if you're joking or serious. The big-toothed smiley leads me to believe you are kidding.

    If you aren't kidding, then clearly you are on an inward journey out of the Witnesses or you wouldn't be posting here.

    Thanks for dropping by.

  • greendawn

    I am a theist but I have the impression that most people here are atheists with a portion of them being antitheists which means they hold the view that science has already proved that god doesn't exist.

    Other atheists are more like agnostics since they allow a slim possibility that one day science may prove that god exists.

  • Smiles_Smiles

    Well, I really don't like to be catagorize as any certain thing or put under any certain group heading. With that said I do believe in spirituality (for lack of a better word). I read and have read everything from christian to buddhist to hindu to mystical stuff to taoism (which I am enjoying right now). I like to stay open to and enjoy all the possibilities. And believe in what ever feels right in that regard for the moment knowing that it may change tomorrow. Open to everything but attached to nothing.

    And as far as 'opinions(beliefs)' go ... they seem to be like assholes ... everybody has 'em.

    So I just try to enjoy and honor each person's belief/opinion and live my own momentary belief authentically.

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