Are Most Folks Here Agnostics and Atheists?

by Nate Merit 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigwilly

    I identify myself as mostly apothetic with strong anti-christian leanings

    I am moderately interested into looking into pagan background, but not interested in Wicca per se, or joining another "group". I have attended UU a couple of times and been pleasantly suprised (1st sermon was about Mr Rogers).

    Big Willy

  • daystar
    but you wouldn't believe it if I told you about answers to specific prayers,

    Sure I would. The problem I have is that Wiccans, for example, swear the same thing. Belief is a very powerful thing. (I know you might likely say that a Wiccan's power comes from Satan. But I know that that is no more true than it is of you.) I understand, however, that the power behind your prayers and behind a Wiccan's "spells" comes from the exact same source.

    Do you expect me to believe there is no god because some ex-JW's (who ;were deluded most of ;their lives as it is) has the answers to all things theological?

    I don't expect anything of you. We all believe what we want to believe.

  • bigwilly

    I should clarify, by apathetic I mean; I don't know that there is a higher power, don't firmly believe there isn't (athiest), basically I don't care to dedicate much thought to it

  • daystar


    I see you have a bit of the captain in you.

  • bigwilly

    The foot prop is actually 5 gallons of homebrewed Scottish Heather Ale.

    Big Willy

  • daystar

    Ah, you bastard!

  • bigwilly

    Arrogant Bastard? One of my Fav's!

    Big Willy

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hey Frog. A nature pantheism. Cool. One need not think the Supreme Reality is a person, I certanly do not.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Flying High, same here. I don't believe in a Divine Person or Persons either.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi City Fan

    I had forgotten that post, thank you for reminding me.

    To be an agnostic is a good attitude indeed. Skepticism is always called for in the realm of spirituality and religion. I love the Tao Te Ching. Here are some interesting anagrams of Tao Te Ching:

    Get to China
    Go Anti-Tech
    No Ethic Tag

    and my personal favorite: Nate Got Chi


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