"It is finished"; Now What is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses

by Now What? 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    Greetings all!

    Just thought that I would hop on real quick to share the news. My fade was going very well, but I decided to end the charade. I started feeling deceptive, letting them think I was still a good dub when I didn't believe anymore, so I decided to initiate a meeting with the elders. I said my final good-byes with some of the friends and then headed for the back room. As soon as I mentioned that I was pro-education and studying at private, religiously affiliated universities (2 are Catholic, 1 is a non-denom protestant school) the discussion seemed to hastily draw to a close.

    However, for the Christians on the board, I did get to make a comparison between the unchristian rules of the organization and the love of Christ. In fact I kept that point at the center of the discussion. It felt good to declare the authority of the society as null and void, openly and resolutely, while at the same time stating a firm loyalty to Christ.

    Ironically, the feeling I had whilst leaving was much different than expected. I thought that I would feel happy and excited and free. Instead I had a feeling of overwhelming peace. Perhaps it's because I had already accepted the inevitable freedom a couple of months ago. At any rate, I am glad I just walked in and did it.

    I feel sorry for all those friends left behind though. They will never see Christ while stuck in the org.

    Best of LUCK to all those still in, that a door opens for you so that you will be able to leave too.

  • Effervescent

    WOW! What an awesome testimony- congratulations!

  • theinfamousone

    even though i am no longer interested in religion as a whole... i think its great that your beliefs helped you walk away from an organization that uses religion as a way to make money and oppress its followers... GREAT JOB MAN!! congrats

    the infamous one

  • Ianone

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Christian Libertarianism, where free will is the greatest gift from God.

  • misspeaches


    And also I am so pleased for you that they have not robbed you of your faith.

  • dezpbem


    Feels good to be free doesn't it?

  • amen

    Job well done, it is good to see you have not lost faith in Christ.

    Jws' do not understand Christ and his message. Talking to a JW about Christ is like showing them the cross, running a way from it.


  • Frog

    you're truley a brave soul now what, you have my full respect:) and good for you too for not letting them take your beleifs away you, nobody can do that, don't ever forget it:) Enjoy your new state of mental peace. frog x

  • Es

    Thats awesome congrats


  • sf

    It felt good to declare the authority of the society as null and void, openly and resolutely, while at the same time stating a firm loyalty to Christ.

    {{{ BRAVO !!! }}}


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