So who are we? And why are we here?

by MsMcDucket 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Are we someone's science project? Did two rocks collide and boom, ta-da, here's earth with people? Does our life have purpose? Are we here to "Vindicate Jehovah's name?" Why do people hate one another? Why do people like the sound of music? Why do people dance? Why do people sing? Why do we procreate? Are there other people/beings on the stars out there?

    Couldn't sleep, so I thought that I'd ask some of you philosophers out there just what the heck do you think about life?

  • greendawn

    It depends who you ask for the atheists all this came to exist by one astonishing coincidence that somehow produced all this life on earth, and life has little if any purpose because it is far too short.

    A creationist believes there are superior intelligent beings that are interested in mankind some consrtuctively and some destructively and there is a lot more to life than what we see.

  • MsMcDucket
    A creationist believes there are superior intelligent beings that are interested in mankind some consrtuctively and some destructively and there is a lot more to life than what we see.

    Ok, that sounds cool. I think I can go along with that theory. But then that brings in the supernatural and I'm kinda wavering on this supernatural stuff. And if that is true then we are "someone's science project". 100% weird! This crap will make you nuts!

  • nicolaou

    Life is an accident, a wonderful, cosmic, mind-bending, bow-down-to-the-universe-and-be-thankful accident.

    The only purpose to life is the purpose you personally give it (which I think answers your "Why do people..." questions).

    Other intelligence out there? Who knows? I hope I live long enough to find out.

    I love the big questions now that I'm free to think outside of preset parameters - it's just that the answers are rather plain. No god, no heaven hell or nirvana. No soul, no afterlife, no karma.

    Is this life all there is? Yes!


    [godless and happy]

  • Narkissos

    I must strive

    to reach


    the steep and uneasy place

    where I will stand alone

    past knowledge and belief

    past answer and question

    to hear the laugh of the long-dead gods

    echo the sound of my voice

    when I say I am.

  • nicolaou

    Oooooh - I like that mate!

  • funkyderek


    It depends who you ask for the atheists all this came to exist by one astonishing coincidence that somehow produced all this life on earth, and life has little if any purpose because it is far too short.

    I'm an atheist and I don't believe "all this came to exist by one astonishing coincidence". At some point in the dim and distant past, at just one place (or maybe more) in the vastness of the universe a self-replicating molecule formed. It did what self-replicating molecules do and made a copy of itself. Soon there were lots of them. Natural selection and aeons of time are sufficient to explain the rest. The purpose of life is to make copies of DNA molecules and it's not short at all. It's been going on in an unbroken chain for 3.5 billion years.

    A creationist believes there are superior intelligent beings that are interested in mankind some consrtuctively and some destructively and there is a lot more to life than what we see.

    I don't see how having invisible friends and invisible enemies would give life any more purpose. At best, it makes us pawns in some cosmic power struggle.

  • luna2

    Neither theory can be proven conclusively at this point, so it kind of comes down to what makes you most comfortable I suppose.

    I have difficulty with the random accident theory, but I'm having even more difficulty with a traditionl almighty god/gods, who are perfect in wisdom, justice, love and all those other great qualities. If there is such a creator god, I obviously don't understand his agenda or how he expects us puny humans to figure out what he expects from us.

    I could certainly make up something involving superior beings from outer space or a remote intelligence who set life in motion and let it go to develop any way it could. I could speculate that evolution and creation are entwined somehow or I could some up with some interesting concoction of aliens seeding the planet with life and then monitoring us over the eons (the science experiment model. Hmmm, sounds a little like Scientology)...I do read a lot of science fiction, after all.

    I think I'll just conduct my life as if this is the only one I get, and treat people the way I'd like to be treated. If there is some sort of life after death it'll be a nice surprise.

  • lisavegas420

    I love these kinds of questions. Where I can read others thoughts on this subject. When I ask people in real life these kinds of questions, of the what's, whys and when's of the world, they look at me like this ------->and say things like "WTH are you talking about?"

    And if that is true then we are "someone's science project". 100% weird! This crap will make you nuts!

    Science project....yes, I can see that. I always pictured us as a large doll house with all the furniture and people and stuff.

    At this time in my life, I have to say I have no idea, about the what's why's and when's of the world. But I'm going to hang on for the ride of my life and enjoy as much of it as I possibly can. I will probably never stop asking the questions and questioning the answers.


  • CyrusThePersian


    I'm with Nicolaou on this one. This life is all there is! Our purpose (aside from being gene replicating machines) is to enjoy our seventy or eighty years and maybe leave this place just a little bit better than we found it.

    Just think, all of the unfertilized egg cells produced by the human female throughout her life represent potential lives that will never be lived. Billions of beings who will never get the chance that we have been given. We who are alive are the lucky winners of life's lottery!

    I, for one, will continue to live my life as I see fit. Are there gods out there? If so, they seem to not give a damn about what we do. Despite the believer's endless devotion to their dieties, they still grow old and die just like the atheists. So I'll just leave them all alone and enjoy the life I have!


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