USA service report shows a decrease of 1442 publishers

by truthseeker 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Only 2200 new publishers?! A million people knocking on doors, and that's the result!

    Must be a bit discouraging.


  • oldflame

    I have a friend in Phoenix, Arizona . He told me last week that the JW flock has increased rapidly in the latino race. That the Mexicans are upset with Catholic faith and the JW's are feeding on it, gaining many members very fast.

  • truthseeker

    How the heck could August increase by 40,000 publishers? The Society must be counting the same person more than once!

    I did point out that August would likely be the month that redeems them.

    I don't think it is "how many publishers are there" anymore, but "how well do they follow the party line?"


  • sir82

    Simplest explanation for 40,000 publisher jump in August:

    Unless you have been a cong. secretary, you wouldn't know this. For a particular month, a congregation's report may include activity not only for that month, but for previous months as well.

    Example: A congregation with 100 publishers

    June: 90 persons report time, 10 made no report

    July: 90 persons report time, 10 did not

    August: Since it is the end of the service year, the secretary makes a special effort to get all "missing" reports. He gets 100 reports for August, plus 10 "missing" reports for June and 10 more "missing" reports for July. On the August report, he fills in that 120 reported time In August.

    Just reading the raw numbers, ignoring reality, it looks like an increae of 33% in publishers between July & August (from 90 to 120). But the truth of the matter is, only 100 of those 120 reports were for time actually worked in August. On the Society's report form, there is no way at all to distinguish "late" reports from "timely" reports.

    Very likely, those 40,000 extra publishers are persons who were "rounded up" by harried secretaries who wanted to report fewer irregualar / inactive publishers on the (separate) year end report.

    Always take "new publisher peak this month" reports with a beachball sized grain of salt.

  • AnnOMaly

    The strange part about it is that there will have been about 30 000 baptized during the year (based on last year's stats), yet a minimal increase in average publishers - so low as to be counted as zero percent. Is this evidence of a quickly spinning revolving door?

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