Anti-Semitic vs Anti-Islamic

by Jourles 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    I watched The Apprentice a couple of days ago and something made me think for a minute. During one of the team's task, the "gay" guy poked fun at the project manager essentially calling him a "tight assed Jew." In the boardroom, Trump brought up the question to the gay guy asking him if he was anti-semitic. He did not take too kindly to his remark and neither did George, Trump's right hand man.

    Anyways, I got to thinking about this. Why is it in this day and age, post 9-11, is it strictly taboo for people to be openly anti-semitic, but it seems generally OK to be anti-Islamic? I thought the USA was a free country that protected all faiths. There is no way in hell you could walk through your local supermarket and talk badly about Jews without someone piping up and reprimanding you. But it you were to talk badly about Islam, no one would really care. At least here in MI(except Dearborn), that is how I've noticed people react. But we also have a high amount of GM driving, gun toting, flag waving, patriotic Americans living here too.

    Is this type of attitude being shown in other places as well? You would end up in a fight with someone if you went around talking bad about Christians here.

  • avishai

    Well, you have to look at the difference. Saying " I hate Orthodox Judaism because it is too strict, hard on it's parishoners, causes problems for women due to it's harsh rules on divorce, etc., etc." Is NOT anti-semitic. Saying things like, "All Jews are dirty, vermin carrying swine who are trying to take over the world because they killed christ and they are money grubbing bastards!" IS an anti-semitic statement.

    Same thing with Islam. If I say something negative about the extremist factions of the Muslim religion and what it can cause, It's NO different than what we say here every day about the JW's.

    Blanket statements, etc.......that's where the bigotry comes in.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Powerful Jewish lobbies have somehow created an untouchable status for the Jewish people. The ADL, for example, is a massively powerful, disgusting organization which labels people anti Semite for no reason whatsoever. I dont know whether you are aware of an author named David Icke, but basically he's a nutter who claims that reptiles run the earth. Anyway, the ADL said that Icke was anto semetic because when he says reptiles, he really means Jews. He denies it, but the ADL still label him as anti semetic.

    Thats just one example. Media in general is anti Islamic, whilst being pro Jewish. Simply outlining the fact that many Jews are in positions of power within the media is enough for you to be labeled anti semite, and in places like the UK, you can be sent to jail for it.

    While we hear, and are led to believe, that Islam breeds terrorists and the Catholic churches breed scumbag child molesting priests, we hear nothing of Judaism. Is it because Jews are so morally just and righteous, as their holy book states? We all know that there is good and bad in EVERY nations, no matter who.... Jew, Black, white, whatever. But the sheer absence of critique in media regarding issues such as peadophile Rabbis, and disgustingly racist Jewish teachings like that found in the Talmud where it clearly states that all Gentiles fuck cows and it is ok to have sex with 6 year old girls somehow creates and forms public opinions of sympathy towards Jews, alongside countless, endless stories of the Holocaust which play on public emotions. 1 million people died in Rwanda, 100 million Christians died in the Gulags... where are the films and countless documentaries regarding these atrocities?

    Organizations like the ADL and the UK based racial equality board just breed more racism and hatred, sectioning people and causing divisions rather than healing them. But this is their game... it's what they want. Thats why in Society we are constantly played off against each other - Muslims vs Jews, Black vs White, Rich vs Poor, West vs terrorism, North vs South, Watchtower vs the world. With divisions, people do not have the power of mass to fight back. Look at Rwanda 1994. It all happened because the Belgians created the division of the people - Hutu and Tutsi. These people have lived together for years, but the Belgians played them off against each other, sat back, the French supplied the Hutu's with guns and abracadabra we have what we want, people killing each other, while we sit back and watch.

  • Narkissos

    This is a complex issue. Theoretically, one should compare anti-Zionist (or anti-Isreli) talk with anti-Islamism as political stances; anti-Judaism and anti-Islamic talk as religious stances; anti-semitism as racial-ethnical discrimination has no exact parallel inasmuch as Islam covers a huge variety of peoples (Arabs, Africans, Turks, Berbers, Persians, Indians, etc.).

    But of course in reality this is all mixed up. Here in France racial anti-Semitism is rarely heard except in extremist far-right circles, due to the enduring shame of the French Vichy State collaboration with Nazism during WWII. There is an active Jewish lobby (including among intellectuals) that is eager on misrepresenting any political criticism of Israeli policies as anti-Semitic; sometimes it extends to anti-Jewish religious talk (for instance, there has been court suits against a Catholic Bible whose footnotes were deemed "anti-Semitic" on this very basis). On the other hand, there is a strong popular anti-Arab racism aimed at the North-African community since the end of the colonial era in the 60s (especially the Algerian war and independance). Worldwide Islamism, and Islamist terrorism in the recent years, only add to the confusion and have been a pretext for the resurgence of anti-Arab racism.

  • ocelot

    Maybe people would be inclined to care if islam was less barbaric.

  • DanTheMan
    I watched The Apprentice a couple of days ago and something made me think for a minute. During one of the team's task, the "gay" guy poked fun at the project manager essentially calling him a "tight assed Jew." In the boardroom, Trump brought up the question to the gay guy asking him if he was anti-semitic. He did not take too kindly to his remark and neither did George, Trump's right hand man.

    If the project manager was a Muslim and the "gay" guy made some wisecrack about it, that footage would never have seen the light of day on network television.

    Trump is a New Yorker through-and-through, which practically makes you into a Jew if you live there long enough.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    What you find with many Jews is that they change their name to fit in to the 'gentile' west way of life. Trump is Jewish, no doubt about it.

  • Mary
    Why is it in this day and age, post 9-11, is it strictly taboo for people to be openly anti-semitic, but it seems generally OK to be anti-Islamic?

    Um, I think you answered your own question. It was Muslims who were responsible for 9-11, not the Jews. Islam breeds 97% of the worlds terrorists, not Israel. Since 9-11, people are alot more aware of the culture, religion and politics of Islam and it doesn't paint a flattering picture. Jews don't demand that the rest of the world convert to Judaism on pain of death via suicide bombers, but guess what religion does? I know many Jews, many of them very wealthy and successful. What impresses me is the stories they tell: all of them either survived the Holocaust or their parents did, and they came over here with just the shirts on their back, worked their asses off over the years and they're now reaping their rewards.

    Yes there are lousy Jews, just as there are lousy Muslims, whites, blacks.....etc. etc. but I have found that over all, they're a decent people.

    Jes my thoughts......

  • rmt1
  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    To quote Mary:

    "all of them either survived the Holocaust or their parents did, and they came over here with just the shirts on their back, worked their asses off over the years and they're now reaping their rewards."

    Oh dear oh dear. You poor misguided woman.

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