Does anyone else find this strange?

by RedhorseWoman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Venus Williams, the JW tennis star is at the Olympics where she won a gold medal. She has her picture in the news carrying the American flag.

    All I can say is.....HUH? Why is it perfectly okay for her to engage in nationalistic activities without censure?

    Once again, it looks as if money talks with the WTBTS. I will be VERY surprised if she is disfellowshipped, which is what would most assuredly happen to any non-famous JW who engaged in an event of this sort.

  • Pathofthorns

    This is interesting. I notice Obed at Witnet has also drawn attention to this story, and the reaction of the members is not positive. [url][/url]

    As always, it might be best not to be too hasty, as there are likely facts missing. Quite possibly the girl might not have been baptized, but simply has been raised and believes as a Witness. In such instance, I doubt there is little the Society would do.

    On the other hand, if she is a baptized Witness, I'm sure this puts the Society in an interesting bind, as many have died or gone to prison for not saluting the flag, so waving it in what amounts to nationalistic ceremonies would clearly be a break with Witness beliefs.

    The publicity is probably good for the Society. It makes us appear normal. I'm sure a disfellowshipping of what might (from at least my Canadian perspective) be a national sweetheart might not go over too well with the sports loving and nationalistic american public.


  • Seven

    To Venus Williams: YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!! Your country is proud of your accomplishments in tennis this year with Wimbledon, the US Open, and now the gold medal! You've used your God given talents to the best of your ability. It doesn't get any better than that. Enjoy the moment, it's been a long road for you. Have a great time at the White House reception.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I agree with you, Seven. I think Venus and Serena have done a great job.

    The attitude of the WTBTS is what has once again aroused my ire. I think of all the children in public schools throughout the country who suffer embarrassment and ridicule for taking a stand when others salute the flag. Those who are compelled to sit through the National Anthem while everyone else is standing. Those who have to endure the odd looks and the jokes of classmates.

    These small children are not baptized, but they are taught from Day 1 that they must represent their faith by avoiding any semblance of nationalism.

    However, when this situation comes up before a worldwide audience, the WTBTS says nothing. It has happened before, and it looks as if it is happening and fame can cause "God's appointed channel" to bend the rules.

  • mgm

    I thought only the mother is a witness!
    What about our sweetheart Martina Hingis!

  • RedhorseWoman

    mgm, check out the posting on the JW News and Events at Witnet. In one of many interviews, Venus has declared that she and her sister Serena are active Witnesses, attending meetings three times a week. She has also said that she should be going out in service, but simply doesn't have time.

    Who is Martina Hingis?

  • waiting

    Hey y'all,

    The interview stated that she went to meetings, service, etc., - but never did say she was baptized. She also said that the reason she really couldn't go out in service anymore was that too many people now knew her from her publicity (not actual words).

    Guess she doesn't want to have to sign autographs door to door. Might look more inappropriate than waving the American Flag for an active participating member of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    But in reality, what could the WTBTS do? Slap her from the Gold Medal Platform? DF or discipline her in a foreign country? No - just let her "Woman of the Hour" pass - and deal/not deal with it privately, behind closed doors with no witnesses to the meeting.

    That's what the WTBTS does with the rest of us....


  • RedhorseWoman

    waiting, actually, with the rest of us, the minute it became public knowledge that we were planning to participate in the Olympics, we would have been warned that we would be df'd if we did. If we then went anyway, the committee would do the deed right after we left.

    My husband had been out of work, and was in a State retraining program. He was to begin training in welding at a shipyard where submarines are built. We were inactive at the time and had just starting studying again with the intent of getting back into the swing of things. My husband mentioned this training program to the brothers studying with us, and he was told that if he accepted the job, he would be df'd. They don't usually pussyfoot around with these things.

  • Jokemyster

    I didnt know your hubby was a witness I thought it was just you

  • Roamingfeline

    How many of us browbeat our children into embarrassing themselves at school, by not saluting the flag and standing for the National Anthem, for the cause of showing loyalty to Jehovah? How many of us went through that ourselves in school? Only to watch this SELF-PROFESSED Jehovah's Witness MOUTH the words to the National Anthem while she stood on that podium and also ran with that flag that we were told not to worship? And yes, RHW is RIGHT. Any USUAL JW who was not wealthy and famous would have been df'd just for GOING to the Olympics and participating. Anyone who does't see the blatant hypocrisy in the GB's NON ACTIONS against this girl is deliberately wearing blinders!


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