Man Sues Home Depot After Using Glue-Covered Toilet

by Nellie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Worse than that.

    A man walks into a public restroom in an age of prevalent venereal disease and ignores the creamy looking stuff on the toilet seat, ignores the cold damp sensation as he sits on it, and contentedly stays there long enough for it to adhere.

    Even contact adhesive isn't going to work quick enough taht you couldn't get up once you felt it, and more likely would have all dried up before the prankster left the room.

    Leading me to the conclusion that he either did it himself, or the prankster has found a contact adhesive that is perfect for the job and so we can expect a spate of such pranks, eventually leading to his capture...

  • Mary

    This would be a great commerical for nail polish remover (which can unglue you). They could have security cameras of the guy glued to the toilet with Elvis singing in the background:

    "I'm gonna stick like glue, stick because uh, uh, stuck on a you.."

    Nail polish remover----don't leave home without it.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Man, I need some of that glue that can set in the time of sitting down, realising it's sticky and (attempting to) standing up! What, 1 maybe 2 seconds.

    I smell bullshit all around this one.

    I love to laugh and have a great sense of humor. I can see how this situation could be humorous with a healthy person with good vision. But, in this case the man was not healthy, could have been in a huge hurry so as not have an accident. Since most people who read this thread probably have not had bypass surgery, here are some things to think about.

    The next time you have a big vein, the entire length of your thigh leg removed for bypass grafts...

    The next time you have your breast bone sawed through, pried open and held that way with a steel protractor, your heart stopped while your entire body's blood is shunted through a heart lung machine, for several hours while blood cells damaged from the machinery...

    The next time your wife steps into the CICU and sees you lying there, looking gray and blue, like a corpse on slab because you have a lower concentration of oxegen in your blood due to the heart lung machine's inefficient way of duplicating your circulatory and pulminary systems and she nearly faints from realizing the extreme gravity of the situation....

    The next time your loved ones realize that you're just not the same after your experience from the heart lung machine.Your vision is blurrier than usual. You're more flakey. You're meaner. You think, do and say bizarre things....

    The next time you are instructed by your nurses and doctors, upon your release from the hospital, to be careful when rising from a sitting position, so as not to separate your breastbone and ribs. And they inform you that it could lead to infection and possibly your death for that to happen, or at the very least for you to be very sick and in a lot of excrutiating pain....

    Then wonder if the man saw or thought about glue and could have just jumped up quickly off that toilet. I bet you won't wonder. I bet you'll find yourself in pain from the sitting posistion, find it hard to breathe and you'll call for help.

    Ya'll are such stinkers.

  • Soledad

    FHN is right, we take certain things for granted (like sitting up straight or getting up from a chair or out of bed) but for people who have had heart surgery this can be a real challenge and dangerous. My poor mom got injured this week just by sitting on the toilet seat and getting up too quickly. She has terrible spasms and leg cramps and has been bedridden this past week. Thank goodness she is getting better.

    OTOH I can believe that this guy pulled the prank himself. What kind of glue doesn't dry up so quickly on a surface? We don't know how long the glue was there because the story doesn't say but this sounds suspect to me.

  • Fatfreek

    Here's his video interview by KUTV (you probably need a high speed connection)

    Apparently, the lawsuit is recent but it seems the actual event happened some two years ago. His bypass surgery was earlier. His trauma began some months ago which may have triggered his seeking legal action. The $2,000 settlement offer by Home Depot, this man called "an insult".


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