Man Sues Home Depot After Using Glue-Covered Toilet

by Nellie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nellie

    OMG - Can you imagine watching the EMS wheeling this man out? I know it's wrong . . . but I'M ROTFLMAO!

    Man Sues Home Depot After Using Glue-Covered Toilet

    BOULDER, Colo. (Nov. 3) - Home Depot was sued by a shopper who claims he got stuck to a restroom toilet seat because a prankster had smeared it with glue.

    Bob Dougherty, 57, accused employees of ignoring his cries for help for about 15 minutes because they thought he was kidding.

    "They left me there, going through all that stress," Dougherty told The (Boulder) Daily Camera. "They just let me rot."

    The lawsuit, filed Friday, said Dougherty was recovering from heart bypass surgery and thought he was having a heart attack when he got stuck at the Louisville store on the day before Halloween 2003. A store employee who heard him calling for help informed the head clerk by radio, but the head clerk "believed it to be a hoax," the lawsuit said.

    Home Depot spokeswoman Kathryn Gallagher said she could not comment on pending litigation.

    The lawsuit said store officials called for an ambulance after about 15 minutes. Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and as they wheeled the "frightened and humiliated" Dougherty out of the store, he passed out.

    The lawsuit said the toilet seat separated from his skin, leaving abrasions.

    "This is not Home Depot's fault," he said. "But I am blaming them for letting me hang in there and just ignoring me."

    11/03/05 11:18 EST

    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

  • twinflame

    That's just so wrong. rofl

  • Es



  • kls

    Poor guy , the whole world is laughing but who can help it. On J Leno lastnight they showed a clip of two anchors telling the story on CNN and the female anchor was laughing so hard she couldn't talk .

    Boy is this guy going to be the butt of jokes,poor guy.

  • luna2
    "They just let me rot."

    Poor guy rotted in 15 minutes. Oh, the agony! LMAO!

    You know, maybe looking at the seat before sitting down would be a good idea.

  • Legolas
  • Nellie

    EVERY time I read this, I laugh! I'm sure to rot in hell !

  • skinnyboy

    can't people go and do their "business" before they leave for the store. Urgg i hate using public restrooms, such an invasion of privacy. I have a shy bowel believe it or not, plus i need a 3 piece string serenade before i can go! This dumbass deserves it on so many levels...

  • Fatfreek

    Or is this just another staged event in hopes of a big fat settlement?

    Man goes into rest room, glue in his pocket. Makes sure he's alone. Swabs seat with glue. Walks over to trash container and ditches glue (and the rubber gloves he wore to hide his prints on the tube of glue). Walks back to the stall and shuts the door. Drops his britches and bravely sits on the throne. Sure, he's gonna stick. Sure it will cause some pain when the emergency room does what it needs to do.

    Begin to yell for help.

    For a couple-hundred grand, he thinks, it may all be worth it.


  • Purza
    You know, maybe looking at the seat before sitting down would be a good idea.

    Yeah that -- and if he would've put a butt gasket down first he might have noticed something was amiss.


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