Anyone ever had a Kidney Stone?

by whyamihere 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I had kidney stones several times. No fun at all! I always carry some meds with me now in case of an attack.

    Hope you're better soon.


  • fairchild

    Yes, I had kidney stones in February of 2004. Wow, hopefully never again..

    I was supposed to watch a friend's store that day, because she had things to do.. She picked me up in the morning for the 20 minute drive to the store. Just as I was getting in the car, I felt a slight twinge of pain in my back. By the time we arrived at the store 20 minutes later, I was in the worst possible pain. I mean, the absolute worst. I too was crawling on the floor, because I couldn't sit or stand or walk or do anything. As I don't have health insurance, I didn't want to go to the hospital. My friend called the doctor and they gave me an appointment for 3 in the afternoon, that was still 6 hours away. 15 minutes later I was in an ambulance on my way to the hospital.

    The guy in the ambulance called ahead to let them know we were coming, but they said that their ER was very busy at the moment, so the ambulance had to go to a different hospital which was much further away. I had already been in the ER for at least 20 minutes, they had taken my blood pressure, an EKG, taken some blood, checked my temperature, but nobody had thought about giving me a pain killer. Then, when a different nurse came in to check my blood pressure once more, I became completely furious, and I don't get mad too often. I screamed that someone was going to give me a pain killer right NOW or I would break the damn place down. Another nurse came in, with the intention of putting a pain killer in my IV, and somehow the IV broke and he had to put a different one in before he could get me the pain killer. It was horrible. Luckily, the pain killer worked right away and it made all the difference in the world.

    Then I had to take this little sifter thing home and pee through it in order to catch the stone. After doing this for like a week I got tired of it and just threw the thing out. They gave me strong pain killers and something for the nausea. I still carry the painkillers wherever I go. All this cost me a good $4,000 which took me a year to pay off.

    A few facts I learned..

    90 % of people who have kidney stones are male.

    After you have developed kidney stones, you have a 50% chance of getting them again.

    The develpoment of kidney stones can have several causes. Usually they can only determine the cause when they actually see the stone and can figure out what kind of a stone it is.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    (((((((((hugs))))))))))))) My husband had one. It took about a month til it passed. He would be fine one minute, then the next, he would be doubled over with pain. He finally passed it, it was a little bigger that a black-eyed pea.

    I hope you have somebody there to help you. HL

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Oh, my God, did I ever. It was horrible. The worst was having to cut down on beer and drink more water.

  • MsMcDucket

    I've had one and my brother has had one. They are very painful. Neither me or my brother could pass our stones. We had to have them manually removed. Mines got stuck in my ureter. I developed hydroneprhosis and hydroureter. I didn't have a "jet" meaning the stone was plugging the ureter. The urologist went in and got it out. They said that I still had two additional small stones in the kidney that would pass without difficulty.

    My brother's stone dropped down into his bladder and became a bladder stone. Talk about pain. He said he went to the ER and just layed on the floor. They had to go up into his "you know what" and pull the stone out. He said it was a very big stone. He was crawling around for days post-surgery.

    Did they do an ultrasound to make sure that your ureter isn't blocked completely?

  • Kaylen

    My dad had them really bad and the doctor said it was from having too much Coke...wait that doesn't sound right does it...from DRINKING too much Coke. He was on a top end trip and had to be flown down by the Flying Doctor Service from the Kimberleys to Katherine Base Hospital It was all very dramatic.

  • luna2

    Sounds awful! Hope you feel better today, Brooke.

  • Maverick

    Been in the hospital twice with them. During the attach eating a bullet would have been a viable option! When the hospital staff would talk about me they would all say, "Kidney stones, poor bastard!" Those two phrases are linked together.

    I have been told that passing a kindey stone is as close to pain a woman feels when she is having a baby a man can get. If that were true and men had the babies...there would be NO people on the Earth! One time and the guys would be telling the ladies to get the hell away from them!

  • defd

    no, I have heard the horrors and I DO NOT WANT ONE. Having a baby from my pee hole is not an appealing thought to me.


  • TheOldHippie

    I never had a kidney stone, but man ! have I been stone ..............

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