What's the most controversial thing you ever did in Kingdom Hall?

by JH 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    This is all past tense, Drth Yhwh.

    Hubby is still hanging on to the suits and hope, but his heart is no longer in it.

    Us UBM's are in for the long haul. Rebound was gonna happen.

    Well it's probably a good thing that he keeps one or two of his suits. You never know when you're going to have to go on a job interview or attend a funerial, providing he doesn't put on or loose a lot of weight. LOL Sorry for my ignorance but please, explain UBM's?

  • fairchild
    Too often our meetings at the hall lasted well over 2 hours... Sometimes it was 2 hours and 10 minutes. That got me so mad.

    How does two hours and TWENTY minutes sound? Happened quite often at the KH where I went. problem was, I had to be at work 25 minutes after the meeting on Sundays. When they dragged it out, I was always late for work.

  • skinnyboy

    joizus, where do i start, ok, as regards the Master Bayshun, i cracked one off the wrist regually before a talk, just so i could imagine their horor knowing what i had just done. foul, but their were some fine sisters in our hall whats a small boy to do?

    Also was hungover loads of times on a sunday, said Shit out loud when i was startled half asleep when the roving mikes came past. It was audible to the whole cong as the moron had the mike on!

    Played all along the watchtower by hendrix, at full belt, on the hall's PA system, on a saturday cleanup day, to be discovered by an elder, as im doing air guitar and leaping off the stage!

    Err, had a fight with my mate, just for the hell of it, full punch on, no Queensbury rules!

    Had a BJ off a sister during the renovations of our hall, in the back seat of her Opel Rekord!

    Stuck condoms I found in my dads drawer on the majority of the cars, in the carpark, exahust pipes.

    As you can see I was a model witness.

  • JH

    How about not flushing the toilet and leaving a little surprise for the next brotha...

  • Goldminer

    I showed up for a funeral recently with a goatee.It was quite interesting to note the reactions.Some really didn't know how to react.A few elders even talked to me,acting like they couldn't see it,some people avoided me.One brother tried to make me feel bad but I reminded him that there was nothing wrong with having a goatee.A disfellowshipped sister was sitting at the back.When she was leaving she looked around at the people there.I smiled at her and she seemed surprised that someone would acknowledge her.She quickly looked away,grabbed her stuff and left.I'm sure I must've had some people talking about me after,we stayed for 2 hours after the funeral talk;my wife was so happy to have me with her in a KH,she didn't care about the goatee.Actually,she likes it.


  • bull01lay

    Skinny boy, Darth Yhwy:

    We sound like peas in a pod !!! Those damn fine sisters.... quiet moments alone...... Hmmm, fond mammories.. I mean memories !!

    Glad to know I wasn't the only lil pervert out there... and fancy a woman joining the ranks too !! I remember crumpet from years back, and I always thought butter wouldn't melt.... !! To admit it too... she is way too cool !!!!

    btw, Darth Yhwy - what a fantastic name and avatar... I laughed so hard when I saw that I nearly pissed myself !!

    A few of you actually got BJ's too !! You lucky lucky b*stards !!!

    Bull! <= of the I wanted a BJ too class !!!

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    btw, Darth Yhwy - what a fantastic name and avatar... I laughed so hard when I saw that I nearly pissed myself !!

    A few of you actually got BJ's too !! You lucky lucky b*stards !!!

    Thanks, I really appreciate that. Im glad you could see the humor.

    I got a BJ while at work one time while answering the telephone. Of course, sinde I dont work in a KH it doesn't qualify for discussion here. LOL

  • Cygnus

    You all are perverted philistines.

    There were shenanigans that went on at the kingdom hall by certain young pioneer brothers and sisters who had keys to the building and would use it as a meeting place for socializing and determining what bar to hit next. Of course I wasn't popular enough to be included.

    I guess the MOST controversial thing I did was at the last meeting I attended as a baptized JW. An elder held up the "Require" brochure and said, "Isn't it wonderful that the FDS has given us this instrument to use in our ministry, because people today don't want to think for themselves and in 32 pages this brochure can do all their thinking for them!" I let out a very loud AHEM and got up and walked into the bathroom. There I decided I'd never attend another meeting again. It was May 1997.

    Of course I did end up attending some more meetings. On the weekends a couple of years ago I would drive to Pittsburgh and spend time with caty. Her mother insisted she go to the kingdom hall occasionally so I went with (she said "you must REALLY love me if you'll go to a kingdom hall with me). I showed up for quite a few Sunday meetings, dressed in sneakers and jeans. Caty and I would play hangman most of the time. One elder took a liking to me. He wore some sort of tie-clip made out of ivory which he obtained while overseas serving the country in WWII. He asked me, "Do you know where this ivory came from?" I replied, "Idaho?" Everybody around us LMAO'd and the elder just rambled on about the dumb clip.

    I'm stopping right now because my dad reads this board... :-|

  • Jobees

    In 2000 I was disfellowshipped. I showed up at the hall, the night of the announcement, drunk, with my worldy boyfriend. You should have seen the faces of the congregation. It was so worth it. After the announcements portion, we stood up and walked out.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i had a service meeting part during the CO visit about the difference between true religion and false religion. i took two cans of pop on the stage and held them up. one can was coca-cola, the other can was no name brand. the whole point of the illustration was: "you can't beat the real thing"

    god, i was such a jackass

    also, one assembly i sat in the second school and read that volume of studies in the scriptures that was all about the great pyramid of giza. and then after the sessions i told everyone i could about the cool stuff i had learned. man, why do they even keep those books around?


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