What's the most controversial thing you ever did in Kingdom Hall?

by JH 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I remember scanning real money and with photoshop pasting the picture of an elder on the bill over the face of the Queen. Then I printed many bills. It looked very real.

    I showed this to a few brothers at the hall, and their eyes popped out of their heads. They also found it funny, except one brother...

  • pratt1

    I told the elders to kiss my BLACK ASS when they told me I was going to be DF.

    Does that count as controversial?

  • vitty

    Sat on the back row, yeah I know, im a rebel but what can I do !!!!!

  • stealyourface

    I called the bulletin board a bulletin board.

  • littlerockguy


    You must have been one of the people who would get there the earliest, lol

  • Honesty

    Voted 'No' on a resolution. I was branded as 'a rebellious one' by the ex after that little episode.

  • Crumpet

    touch myself up under cover of big blue all scriptures inspired book whilst fantasising about the mike handler when I was 13!

  • undercover
    touch myself up under cover of big blue all scriptures inspired book whilst fantasising about the mike handler when I was 13!

    That'd make a great song!

    "When I study my bible book and think of you, I touch myself"

    Can I film the video???

  • Crumpet

    undercover - that song by the divynals is one of my all time favourites - it came out when I was about 13 or 14 and I had a whole side of a tape recorded with it back to back, I used to lie in the haystacks listening to it on my walkman over and over doing like the song said. of course I felt horribly guilty afterwards!

  • JH

    I didn't mind arriving early at the Kingdom hall, but when I was fed up, I wanted the meeting to finish the earliest possible. So when I was the first one at the hall and no one looked, I advanced the clocks about 5 or 6 minutes. There was a clock on the front stage on the floor, that only the brother on the stage could see, and there was a clock in the back. I adjusted both so that the meeting would end a little earlier.

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