Blatantly deceitful use of secular sources

by AuldSoul 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kwintestal
    I recall an illustration in the endnotes of the Kingdom Interlinear (I think. Its been well over thirty years) which is of a man being crucified on a pole. The WTBTS use a quotation from the author of the book in a misleading manner. The author does not support the idea that 'stauros" ( pronounced stav-ROS in modern Greek) means "torture stake" or that Christ was executed on a pole.

    I remember seeing that before too.


  • PaNiCAtTaCk

    The quoutes about the cross blew my and my wifes mind. It was completely dishonest.

  • blindersoff

    Has anyone been able to print the info from the Imp Bible Dic at the referenced link above. I can get it to print all of that section in the Dic EXCEPT the very quote in question. I would really like to have this quote on file directly from the Dic. This is so blatant that surely even some JW's could see through it.

  • greendawn

    All this fiddling with the quotations goes to show that they are an all round dishonest bunch who are constantly manipulating, distorting and misrepresenting facts everywhere.

    They have that mentality that seeks to constantly deceive.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    on the sept 1 or 15 2004 wt pg 30 the wt quotes a bible professor named dr, robert l. thomas. about the 144,000 rev. 7 even gives the name of the book. az friend of mine looked it up. and found that this thomas guy says in these pages that the wt is way out on the 144,000. this info can be found at john ankerburgs site.. i may have posted the link to this a while back. john

  • ithinkisee

    Great doctrinal misquotes on Trinity:

    I even ordered the full page scans from them. Got about a dozen scans emailed to me for about $5.


  • Cygnus

    There are quite a few examples of the WT saying that the early Bible Students were looking forward to 1914 as the beginning of Christ's presence when they obviously didn't. I have written about that recently.

    The best source for misquotations is Alan Fuererbacher's work. Someone provided a link. He also found problems in WT articles dealing with chronology, as well as science and evolution. His work, and someone else's regarding the cross, were the last straws for me that broke the proverbial camel's back and I couldn't support a lying organization any longer.

    edited to add: a funny illustration in a WT in the '90s is of Jesus hauling a telephone pole up the hill. How silly.

  • IP_SEC

    *beginning to like auld's style*

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