Is "Perfection" really desirable?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Imagine the New System where "Everybody" is perfect...... People with no faults...

    This sounds almost dull to me !!!

    I find that there is something attractive about imperfect people, imperfect actions,

    Huey Lewis lyrics

    Ev'rybody's looking for a perfect world

    where you could have everything you heart desires.
    A perfect boy will meet a perfect girl

    and theit perfect love will set the world on fire.
    What you gonna do
    when one and one makes three ?
    And a vision of the future is impossible to see.
    Nobody's perfect
    not even a perfect fool

    if you'll have faith in me I'll keep the faith in you.

    Ain't no living in a perfect world

    there ain't no perfect world anyway.
    Ain't no living in a perfect world

    but we'll keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world

    keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world.

    Everybody's got secrets
    you know that it's true

    they talk about me and they'll talk about you.
    Somthing happens to the pledge of trust

    down through the years they begin to rust.
    Now here we are amid the tears and the laughter

    still waiting for our happily ever after.
    We'll keep on dreaming as long as we can

    try to remember and understand.

    Ain't no living in a perfect world

    Ain't no living in a perfect world
    Keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world

    keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world

    keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    we are perfect.

    this is ALL we know. and as such, we are indeed "perfect" already.

    also, living forever would be a horrible bore, as far as my thinking on the matter goes.


  • Cellist

    Perfect is a very subjective word. Everyone has a different idea on what "perfection" is. It's a term we use all the time for all sorts of things. What's perfect for me might not be perfect for you.


  • Golf
  • Golf

    JH, in the event you ever play golf and get a hole in one, get back to me.


  • rmt1

    Brooklyn bankrolled on owning the definition of "perfect". There's no Platonic ideal floating around out in the ether to which they have the T3 line of meaning. It's a case of Orwellian NewSpeak when any one central force gets to consolidate, confine, restrict a signifier's signification. That being said, here is some worldly wisdom from some utterly misled pagan pre-Christian Classical figures: Hesiod in his Theogony talks about two kinds of strife and two kinds of hope. The bad strife is negative envy of your fellowman when you don't do the work to pull yourself through; the good strife is positive envy, when you see something someone has and you say, Self, I will work hard until I can reward myself with that thing. There is the evil form of hope - false hope such as inherent to false promises; there is also positive hope which works along with positive strife: reasonable expectations for reasonable inputs. Lucretius the Epicurean spoke of various forms of pleasure: Katastematic, when you fill a need up to the point of being filled, like eating when you're hungry. Kinetic, when you partake of something not needed but pleasurable, like having a cold beer (after you're full). Ataraxia, a mental state of untroubledness because you know and feel content that your needs have been met. Chara, the pleasure of anticipation, or desiring and imagining the imminent fulfilling of a need. The "Perfection" that Brooklyn insists upon would have you operate at such a statistically median zone of pleasures (ahem, tame), and would require your brain to perform phenomenal intuitive operations that account for innumerable permutations until your conscious mind's actual decision is so Promethean AND Epimethean, 20/20, anti-climactic, in a word, unchallenging. Perfection would eliminate the struggle that our brains have evolved to interpret as pleasureable. What Brooklyn's "Perfection" REALLY is is an infantile regression to a Lacanian Pre-Mirror Stage in the Mother's lap, which is before the infant has had the traumatic discovery that the thing-out-there, (the mother), is NOT actually him/her the baby, but is an entirely different thing, object, person. And Woe when the baby discovers its own lonesome individuality amongst a confusing array of indifferent objects. Brooklyn wants you back in infancy, in the unitary perfection of all your needs being met pronto, without speech. "Perfection" as an idea of human operation is just a smoke screen for infantile imperious refusal to seperate from the Mother and use your own damn fingers to pick up your Cheerios.

  • skinnyboy

    depends on you definition of Perfection. If we all had it what a soulless sterile place it would be, we would reject perfectionism if it was given to us. we are free thinking beings and perfection would abhor us, we find delight in lifes little imperfections.

    Plus imagine living forever, whats the point of trying anything new, or striving to accomplish anything? Granted, a few more years life to do it might be the go, but to live immortal? shudder at that thought. Its only pathological narcissists who dream about living forever.

  • theinfamousone

    i agree, ive always had trouble with that one, since i was a child... perfect sounds so boring to me.... like half the fun in life is knowing that it could end very soon, would we lose the need for adrenaline, would we really be having fun... the only cool thing about their paradise is the animals... isnt it funny how they always, ALWAYS emphasize the domestcated animals for the kids??? they always ask what do u look forward to in the new system and kids always say "to play with lions and animals"... the mind control starts early... besides i think a lion in the savannah is much more beautiful that a freakin one in the zoo...

    the infamous one

  • Tez

    Ok call me a 'pathological narcissist' if you like! but I used to like the idea of living forever because there is so much I want to do, so much I want to learn about, I want to spend quality life with the man I love, not the every day slog of trying to make ends meet and seeing the suffering in the world, and thinking although we don't have a lot at least we are better off than most of the world's population. I want to study insects, animals, birds, learn to horse ride, travel the world, learn to play musical instruments, swim in the ocean and study the life there... and this is only the tip of the iceberg! so as for me? well I feel this is all a pipe dream but I certainly don't think I would have been bored!!!

  • minimus

    It is already attained.

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