Outright Lie in the Reasoning Book

by PaNiCAtTaCk 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AuldSoul

    doofdaddy, great analogy. You gotta throw orange juice drinking into the mix. First, that may be okay. Gradually, it becomes clear that drinking orange juice is really the same thing as eating an orange and could not possibly be pleasing to God.

    Then they come to realize that it is the citrus nature of the fruits that actually make them unclean, so they set about categorizing all the fruits that are citrus and those that are not.

    Then the lawsuits for scurvy cases start. The Legal Department arranges for talks explaining that Vitamin C supplements are perfectly fine, even if derived from citrus fruits, while eating of the whole fruit would be a gross sin.

    THEN they finally change the view. Sheez, you can that with almost anything! GREAT analogy, doofdaddy!


  • doofdaddy

    And yours Auldsoul!!

  • mouthy

    never said that the JW are a cult. Well you SHOULD Have because they are a cult..!!!!!!!

    I was just reading their "government "book printed in 1928 ( the year after I was born.. on page 32 it says Jehovah God appointed an overlord for men.to wit, his son Lucifer,a spirit creature invisable to man, & designated in the Scriptures as one of the "morning stars"Boy read the rest yourselves. Excuse me while I go throw up!!!!!

  • mouthy

    an overlord >>>>>>> I think that meant "overseer"He sure overseed me for 25 years!!!!
    OFF with his head>>>>>

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