Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-30-05 WT Study (Walk/Jesus)

by blondie 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I could get them If I wanted too. My mother is still an active JW and Im sure she'd be thrilled if I asked her to provide me with a steady source of "spiritual food". I just cant bring myself to read them. Reading that liturature feels like suffocating. It's physically uncomfortable for me. LOL. I usually enjoy the first few paragraphs of your "Comments" threads but I just cant force myself to wade through any more of the WBTS's sewage than that.

  • blondie

    I understand, Darth. I wade through it a piece at a time and then take a break.

    Just read the red part.


  • jgnat

    Good morning, Blondie.

    This magazine highlights very well how JW's are asked to forgive, especially in paragrapsh 15, 16 and 21. JW's are asked to choke down any offence they may have and "show a positive attitude". This is not the pattern of forgiveness I was taught in "Christendom's Churches". Even more extensive, I've learned, is the Jewish pattern of recognition - remorse - desist - restitution - and confession.

    How can anybody just "let it go" if the offending party has no remorse and no intention to make things right?

    It also popped out at me this week how vague the JW blessings are. Nothing specific is mentioned. Ironically, the questions ask,

    18 "What blessings result from encouraging children to take up the full-time service?"

    23 "What are the benefits of adhering to the pattern set by Jesus?"

    And finally, the photo is just awful. Every JW child's highest ambition is to either work in a packing plant or sell magazines door-to-door. The extreme waste of talent boggles my mind. It is not God's desire that everyone reach their highest potential, use all the talent He has provided? Is it not concievable that some of those talents are better used in the regular working world, rather than the Kingdom Hall?

    My talent is Business Process Reengineering. Though the Watchtower Society could benefit from my services, they won't be calling any day soon. I'm a woman, for one thing. Also, they are spirit-led, therefore perfect. They cannot admit that the problems they have are systemic. Therefore, it must be the sheep's fault. Beat the sheep.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    And finally, the photo is just awful. Every JW child's highest ambition is to either work in a packing plant or sell magazines door-to-door. The extreme waste of talent boggles my mind. It is not God's desire that everyone reach their highest potential, use all the talent He has provided? Is it not concievable that some of those talents are better used in the regular working world, rather than the Kingdom Hall?

    Not that Im nit picking or any thing like that, but....I was a JW child and I had high ambitions indeed. I certainly didn't want to be a full time minister peddling rags door to door. I think a great many JW children have dreams or ideas of what they want to do with they're life. The problem is that the WBTS imposes they're will on the rank and file thus affecting the choices available for children. I can appreciate the point that your making though.

    Sorry to get off topic. That's the only way that I can contribute to this thread, because as I have mentioned above, I didn't study the literature. Therefore I cannot comment on the material. LOL

  • AuldSoul

    Thanks again, Blondie! As always, "Christian" equals "Jehovah's Witnesses."

    I love how at the end they switch from following HIM to following the form of leadership that he "put in place" in 1919. Which is, subjecting all things on earth to the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Who, as a class, have no authority over anyone or anything. They aren't even on the organizational chart of heirarchy. They are a mythical, ethereal, "something" that somehow magically are over all Jesus' belongings even though they are subject to the Governing Body (which they say is part of Jesus' belongings).

    I don't know about you, Blondie, but I am more than willing to admit that the FDS is over all Christ's belongings if the Governing Body admits they don't belong to Christ.


  • jgnat

    Darth Yhwh, I think you misunderstand my statement. I was commenting that the picture highlights the JW child's highest ambition as instructed by the society. I believe that JW children dream higher and bigger than the society's dictates. I do think it is a terrible waste that these children will have to fight for their dream without the support of their family or recognition from their religion.

  • Gill

    Hi and thanks as always, Blondie!

    I like to take a look at your analysis of what sewage my family is taking in today. Always makes me smile and feel grateful for my freedom.

    Nice to see so many Newbies! Welcome to all of you!!

    It appears that the average, and maybe all JWs are unable to see the difference between God and the Organization. They seem to equate the two and reading through an article like this helps to see how they have been convinced of the two being One.

    I once mentioned to my mother that it was time she left the WTBTS an she shouted that she would never leave Jehovah. I explained that one was a God and the other was a book publishing company. She could not understand that. It seems to be a common problem and now I really do see why so many JWs seem to equate the two.

    Thanks again.


  • zeroday


    It's funny that for 28 years I hardly read the WT much less the study articles. It was just so mindnumbing. Now I can't wait to read your study article comments. I am reading more of the WT now than I ever have.

  • BluesBrother

    Par 10 made me consider the context of Matt 24.45 , F & D Slave. Do we look for a specific prophetic fulfillment of vs 40 [ Two men In the field] vs 41 [ Two women grinding] vs43? [ householder and the thief] so why be so all fired sure that vs 45 is a specific prophecy that must be fulfilled by the remnant today???.

    Par 11 , It was left to a little boy to answer this one at the study I attended. None of the older ones seemed to want to publicly declare submission to elders.

    par 14 . Really a rebuke for elders. They do not say that elders are not doing it, of course, just point what they think is the right thing. Funny how the conductors comments still seem to show an attitude of rule making for others, seems they cant stop doing it.

    Depressing article really. to see the blinkered automatons repeating the garbage , as if Christ had really dolloped out the Holy Spirit on the WTS, whom he had appointed to be a "Slave" in his name and those so called "elders " were to be respected as if they bore an appointed by God himself ..

    Is it me or is the reality of the situation so hard to see? I suppose I was just as blinkered. After all up to eight years ago I was actually conducting those meetings...

  • willyloman

    Nice work, as usual, Blondie.

    I picked up on something I never thought about before (which often happens when YOU conduct the WT):

    "Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the
    word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate
    their faith."
    I'll have to remember this scripture next time I run into an old dub pal who wants to talk about my exit. I'll just quote the above and say, "According to this verse, you should probably follow me out the door since that's where my faith took ME."

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