anyone else write anti J-DUB poetry????

by theinfamousone 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • theinfamousone

    WOW! its amazing....

    i love it

    the infamous one

  • AlmostAtheist

    Way cool stuff. Thanks!

    I especially liked the "contradiction" one and the "bet with the devil" one.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have a couple

    Pedophile Paradise

    A pedophile paradise.
    How can that be?
    God’s organization is pedophile free.

    We refuse to believe it.
    We don’t want to know.
    So victim defenders know where to go.

    The angry apostates
    just make up their lies,
    Pretend to be honest but it’s just a disguise.

    Deserve what they got
    It’s Satan they follow
    To their debauched level they want us to wallow.

    To protect the abusers
    Ignore victim pain
    That’s how we protect our God’s name.

    It’s only a few elders
    who made a mistake
    So a new policy we will not make.

    So block up our ears
    Put our heads in the sand
    Disfellowship them all, is the Watchtower command.

    Now listen you brothers
    Oh hear me you must
    Do you know who it is, you can trust?

    The witness policy
    Allows abusers go free
    Let’s them take your child to sit on their knee.

    Please watch them with care
    Confidentiality a must
    You’ll never know which brother, is the one you can trust.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Control Me

    How to think, What to feel, Tell me what to say. To save me, Protect me, Tell me what to do. When to work, When to pray, Control all my moves. Take my mind, Take my heart, Tell me where to start. To mark me,
    To shun me,
    Punish me for now.

    Free will gone,
    So is self,
    No identity.

    Control me,
    Mold me,
    Tell me what to be.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Honor the Children

    So many children
    Over so many years
    Their innocence lost long ago
    Told to the elders
    As expected to do
    Ignored by the two-witness rule.

    Sent home to abusers
    Afraid and alone
    To wait for their God to convict
    Silence they’re told
    Is their honor to bear
    To protect their God from this shame.

    But the shame that they bear
    To another belongs
    The truth is all that they need
    Let’s hear their sad stories
    Like we didn’t before
    Support the abusers no more.

    Rage and disgust
    Is what we should feel
    At the silence and pain that they bore
    Honor the children
    And give them support
    Let’s stop the abuse evermore.

  • TopHat

    Good one Lady Lee ***HIGH FIVES***

  • TopHat

    ***HIGH FIVES** TO ALL....very talented bunch you are!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This was written by a friend on a Yahoo! discussion board:

    Today my family went away,
    I really meant for them to stay,
    they left without a pause or thought,
    they thought I really had forgot,
    that God meant love, forgiveness too,
    they did not know the hurt they'd do,
    they told me that the hurt was good,
    they thought that this was understood,
    they thought it would help make me strong,
    they thought the pain, would not last long,
    they thought that they should punish me,
    that then, the "light," I'd surely see,
    they thought that on my own I'd know,
    that time and space would help me grow,
    they thought, and thought, and thought some more,
    they did not see the open sore,
    the sore that hurt so long and deep,
    the hurt that made me cry and weep,
    and then one day a funny thing,
    they felt their own vindictive sting,
    their light had failed to set them free,
    they thought and thought, and thought of me.

    by Cbam52, posted on Yahoo!

  • AuldSoul

    Betrayal nears and tilts its head

    Unctuous, hurtful, snide

    Lovingly clothed in fluffy white

    L ifting hands to smooth the wool

    Stripping to reveal

    Hateful snarling accusation

    Intimidating visage

    Teeth to tear and claws for mauling

    Accusing pride

    Set aside reality

    Sup on ignorance and pretense

    Here we are, to help you

    Out of misery and despair

    Let us grease you, pray for you

    Eventually you will heal

    Swap your questions for air


    Almost lost

    My longing nearly cost me

    Never speak to them?

    Ones I love? I will speak!

    They will hear, they will choose

    Years will pass

    Old friends will die

    Used up, cast off, spent

    Revealing no hoped for promise

    Fools will still believe

    Reality obscured by baseless hope

    Instead of paradise, air

    Evidently "purpose" changes

    No one knows the past

    Destroyed by time and ignorance

  • Leolaia

    That's some pretty great writing! Lady Lee and Auld Soul really capture two sides of the same emotion. I keep thinking it might be kewl to publish a literary "Best-of" of some of the gems that this board has seen.

    You might remember my poetic history of the WTS a while back:

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