The dreaded conversation.......

by LDH 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    If you ever get out of single-scripture exgesis and rationalist explanations you might be able to understand what you question right now. Why is it that the young think they already know it all?
    Have you read any of the books that I suggested?...NO?
    E-mail me if you want enlightened. You can have a hope for eternal security and when you get that, you finally figure out waht life is all about.

  • LDH


    No prob. I am six and a half months along. Because I'm so tall, I just started feeling the baby move about three weeks ago. Tall women have long torsos for the baby to hide in.

    My husband was able to feel the movement about a week later. First time in his life.

    I haven't had any cravings, oddly enough. I mentioned this to my husband and he said, "YET. You still have two and a half months to go."

    Like I needed a reminder, LOL.

  • muslima

    Lisa and others,

    I am so proud when I read the things you have said in defense of your positions for leaving, attitudes whatever. When I left 6 years ago - as the then presiding overseers wife -- I had just had it - with everything and couldn't put into words exactly what BOTHERED me...It was a combination of things -- nothing as noble as disagreeing intellectually with doctrines etc. -- just had enough of feeling like a hypocrite - of looking at "worldly" people like they were less-thans who were gonna die anyway...of all the political crap. I had spent 17 years of my life married to a congregation man - who spent so much time with his "priviledges" - that his children were strangers to him. I put EVERYTHING GOOD in and of myself into those 3 kids - and when I was afraid I was going to undo the good I had done -- or do something drastic like a fellow elders wife had done very recently then - commit suicide in their garage in a nearby congregation -- but just in case JW's were right -- I walked away from that life with just my clothes. In retrospect - I should have just taken some time off -- and done things a bit more logically but hind sight is 20/20.

    I converted to Islam - it was/is much like JW but without all the compulsion -- or so I thought...each group within their factions try to tell you their way is the only way etc.-- but at least now I know how to argue and do very well with anything that is not logical to me. I love the way things are presented in the website -- although I as told this site is for "kafir" - unbelievers...figures I would like it...but anyway enough about this era of my life - I am still working on and through it.

    I enjoy the many different posts here - both the negative and the positive, the silly and the serious. I think we would have been better off even while we were JW to realize that more of us unitedly have the same thoughts and concerns - and that we are NORMAL and good people -- not feeling like we are condemned by every non-conformist thought we may have.

    I thank each and every one of you for all your thoughts that you share with us. It is up to us - using the logic that God has given us to accept or reject - or allow to affect us in any way the things we read here or anywhere.

    warm regards,


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