Is disfellowshipping bad?

by Simon 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon
    I do know that a number that were in regular contact with me appeared genuinely surprised to be deleted. I can't comment further as I haven't got both sides of the story, and I don't like making judgements in that kind of a situation.

    Exactly. And yet you are commenting and making posts about it like others do as well.

    So many times topics begin "I must admit I don't know what's been going on ... but Simon you must be wrong becasue blah blah blah"

    Hey, here's a thought. Why don't people shut up about things they don't know or get the facts first before making an issue of things!

  • theinfamousone

    i think its stupid... if they want ppl to stay in, and they need help, why make that help impossible to get?? its like their whole theory with the bad associations, dont hang out with em, actualy dont talk to them, theyre bad... oh we know they need help, but well, we dont want u to start thinking for yourself too, so just dont talk to them...


    the infamous one

  • jula71

    Everything has rules or laws, no matter what you do, work, boards, religions, civil codes, ect.....people have to be responsible enough to realize there are consequences to breaking them. And this board like most things, states the rules and the consequences for breaking them. If someone wants to break them, that's their choice, but they have to accept what my happen if they do.

  • theinfamousone

    true, but i know of no boards that are so severe or cruel as to separate you from your family... that is goindg a little too far... i mean who threatens a person with being shunned if they speak to someone else who has been shunned??? like wtf!

    the infamous one

  • LittleToe


    Exactly. And yet you are commenting and making posts about it like others do as well.

    I dispute the "like others" comment, but I will confess to discussing any subject that takes my fancy from those that get posted here. You opened the discussion, and thusfar it seems to have been conducted respectfully. Didn't you expect any replies?

    So many times topics begin "I must admit I don't know what's been going on ... but Simon you must be wrong becasue blah blah blah"

    True. I've seen a few topics like that. I haven't seen this one go down that track yet, though, thank gawd!

    Hey, here's a thought. Why don't people shut up about things they don't know or get the facts first before making an issue of things!

    But, but, but... we're human. We always discuss things that we don't have absolute knowledge on. Some of us even get dogmatic about our position, even in the face of contrary data.

    In the case of this topic I've made it acutely obvious where I have a lack of information. Isn't the right way to go, when discussing something that you have limited knowledge on? If we don't discuss things at all then we remain in ignorance.

    As I said in my last post; I feel I have to limit my comments, due to my personal lack of knowledge, and further I can offer no judgement at all. Does that mean that I have to remain completely silent on subjects that are opened to discussion? Surely not? That having been said, I would hope that nothing I've stated has come across as in any way judgemental because that truly has not been my intent.

  • cruzanheart
    I feel I have to limit my comments, due to my personal lack of knowledge, and further I can offer no judgement at all. Does that mean that I have to remain completely silent on subjects that are opened to discussion? Surely not?

    Little Toe, you great Scottish gentleman, if we had to remain completely silent on subjects on which we lacked knowledge, then every political thread would have to be shut down!

    This is a discussion board. We discuss. That's why it's called that.


  • wanderlustguy

    This is a great thing IMO, that it's being discussed like this.

  • oldflame

    I don't think that you can compare being removed from a discussion board to be disfellowshipped in the borg. There are rules and laws we have to conform too and if we break them we pay for them one way or another. I personally do not come to this board to be beaten down or to be insulted.

    Now if we are talking about others who should be disfellowshipped in the borg, then yes I know many who should be disfellowshipped from the borg but yet seem to be able to get away with practically murder. Like my mother for instance. My mother should of been def'd a long time ago for many reasons, but I honestly think that she has not been def'd because her actions are against those not in the society. If her actions had been against those inside her society she would of definantly would have been removed.

    As far as this board goes, if a poster is out of order and many have been even at one time I had been out of order here, got carried away with others comments, then there should be some kind of punishment for that. After all we all came from a very evil religion that is full of bitterness towards people and none of us want to feel like we stepped out from the borg and into a JWD borg. So it is utterly important that we treat others here with a genuine kindness and respect in order for those who are new here do not come to JWD and leave with an attitude that this place is no different than what they just come from.

  • upside/down
    some have a greater capacity to pick themselves up and dust themselves off, than others.

    So I've had to learn.


  • Golf

    Right on Gumby, you gotta have order not chaos.


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