Dr. Vs. JW Mom on TLC "Real Stories of the ER" Last Night

by LDH 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • gladdy
  • gladdy

    I work in an emergency department, LOOK OUT when an injured or sick jw comes through the doors, they are usually quickly followed by an entourage and someone with a briefcase pushing his way through to demand to be with the patient, when told NO, he insists on a business card given to the emergency dr. It is something like he legally represents the jw patient and no blood, blah blah blah. I had come across a lady softly crying in waiting room for over an hour, and found out her adult daughter (jw) was in a car accident. WE thought the lady and gentleman sitting in the trauma room with the patient was her parents........ they had said they were "family"! I had refused to take the business card from the jw important wannabee.And told him and his entourage that only immediate family could be there..... they stayed waiting for hours...... I finally got her mom in with her and escorted the couple out to the waiting room with the rest of the wahhoos. They are very disturbing in an emergency situation.

  • shunnedson

    Im 17 and I was a witness from birth. I was brainwashed my entire childhood. I found out that the truth was not really the truth about 2 years ago after my mother left the cong. My brother was in a tragic car accident and died. When he got the hospital he screamed no blood with his last dying breath. My parents also said no blood. He was sent to chapel hill were the doctor gave him blood anyways. He died shortly after. It has been hard for my mother because she can never help but wonder if my brother would have survived if he recieved blood at the hospital in the first place. We were simply the drones that the so called "truth" had made us. The witnesses tried to help us cope but the "bible based information" that had been pounded into our heads for years only made it worse. Sometimes I dream that the watchtower society and all its self-rightous elders and followers fall. Liberation is what these people need.They have thrown away their minds. My brother might not have survived but what if. The pain will never go away.It just hurts my mother and I to know that her son and my brother could have just been another casualty of the almighty watchtower society inspired by god. The witnesses say they are so much different from every other religion but they are just the opposite. I hope to open the eyes of the closed minded drones before they have to expierience the hardships that have destroyed my family.

  • R6Laser

    Next showing is on Nov. 20th @8PM EST/PST. Say Your Prayers

    A man is bitten by a deadly rattlesnake and because of religious reasons cannot receive a blood transfusion- the ER doctors race to combat the toxins in his system without compromising his beliefs.without compromising his beliefs.

    Actually this is a re-run, I already saw it. The doctor respects his wishes and somehow the patient recuperates with no problem. At the end the patient tells the doctor thanks for respecting his beleifs.

  • Balsam

    What Gladdy said is so true. When my son Dak went to the emergency room in Chapel Hill NC 3 Elders from the congregation 
    came with us to prevent the use of blood for him. The law though overrode that notion. 
    Shunned son, I am PM you hope to hear from you. You experience the same thing as my family. 
    Balsam aka Ruth
  • crazyblondeb

    Giddy-I used to work in the dallas area and have been involved in a real-life situation. The entire post is on another thread. I was able to have the "enforcers" escorted out and met by the police. I knew what was going to happen, so I went to the surgeon right away, who in turn was able to quickly get a court order. When it was all said and done, the young parents thanked me. The "enforcers" tried to have my head on a platter--and got no where.

    It got to where if patients came in that were JWs, none of the other nurses wanted to deal with the chaos. So if I were there, guess who would get called!? Even though several cases were serious, I seemed to get this "high" knowing I could stand up to the "enforcers", and there wasn't a damn thing they could do!! The social workers had me explain want their "belief process" was so they would be better able to handle them.

    When my sister was 4 yrs old an old heavy utility trailer hitch fell and ripped her face severely. Loss of blood was massive. So surgeon wanted to touch her, and my parents were willing to let her die. That memory has never left me thru the years. When I became a nurse, I promised her and myself that I would go to any lengths to stop that from happening to anyone else.


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