Why do women do this???

by dezpbem 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Hey FHN!! Stop hitting on me!! :-) FHN you can hit on me anytime you want

  • GentlyFeral

    I'm more likely to feast my eyes on an attractive person when s/he is not alone.

    My assumption is that if his/her attention is occupied, I can look as much as I want.

    Reading a book on the bus, of course, will make you just as much "fair game" for my gaze. Even better, because you probably won't lift your eyes from the page.


  • G Money
    G Money

    You went from nothing, being alone to being a limited time offer, someone who is wanted by another, then jealousy kicks in. Now you are a hot commodity. Jealousy is a better way to work women while out than being a nice guy, sad but true. All women want to win and beat out the other.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LMAO satanus. ha ha ha!

    okay, anyways, ya, what Elsewhere said. i's thinks thats bangs ons.


  • Mysterious

    I went to a party with my boyfriend and a semi-good looking girl comes up to him and starts chatting..while he has his arm around me. Then she seems to finally notice me and goes.."are you two...yes you are" and walks away. We were both laughing about that one for days.

  • Abaddon

    I know this one.

    I'd be single for three months, and then start going out with someone, and then basically find that all-of-a-sudden, some girls (who I'd know previously and hadn't thought I'd stood a chance with) would develop a sudden interest.

    Havey havey, no wanty, wanty wanty, no havey.

    If they are looking at you ("don't think so, they were looking at me" song lyric Mr. Jones by Counting Crows), then its probably because you are now semi-guaranteed not to be an axe murderer or retard as you have managed to go out with a woman who seems in full possesion of her faculties. This means you are potential.

    If you're single you are potentially a risk as you could well be single due to being an axe murdering retarded misogynist.

    It all makes sense, honest...

  • tijkmo
    I'd like to have a million dollars for every time I've heard a guy say, "She wants me."

    or even for just once eh

  • FlyingHighNow
    Hey FHN!! Stop hitting on me!! :-) FHN you can hit on me anytime you want

    Tij, nope, I'll take everytime. I could use several dozen million right now. My car's in the shop.

  • Crumpet

    There are lots of reasons on top of all those mentioned.

    The women who are looking might be wondering why you aren't more affectionate with the girl and speculating as to whether you are dating or just friends.

    They might be bored and I know that on occassion, especially when I'm with a group of girls, I might give the eye to any bloke I find attractive nearby so that he'll come up and buy me a drink. Thus making all my girlfriends a bit jealous and me an ego boost.

    But mainly if I'm caught staring its because I'm assessing the attractiveness of the girl and rating myself against her. Women spend much more time checking out other women than they do blokes, not sexually, just looking at what she's wearing and comparing her figure and features and hair.

    But more often than not I just happen to be day dreaming and my eyes just happen to be in a guys general direction, even though I'm not conciously observing him.

  • LuckyNun

    Why I do it: some primordial part of my brain tells me that if a guy is with a happy-looking woman, then he's safe. It's been ingrained in my head that guys on their own are scary and should not be approached except in a well-lit, well-populated area.

    As for hitting on a guy once he's seen with a girl, that's just skanky. Never done it.

    From the other side of it: when I'm out with my husband, I see other women looking at us, and I know some are just sizing us up and seeing how well I did, others are checking him out because now that he's with me he's not free to run up and start checking THEM out.

    Then there are the guys who just aren't attractive until some kind woman comes along and teaches them how to dress and makes them brush their teeth. All of the sudden, they're clean and cute. Women admire that.

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