Using emoticons on this board

by Billygoat 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Simon and Angharad,

    I have a question for you. I love your little emoticons! They can always reveal an emotion or thought sometimes better than my words. Or add to them in the least. If it weren't for the little winking one , my sarcasm would be lost on the audience and most people would just think I was being a b!+c#. But some of these icon/emoticons I'm not sure how to use. Could you give me some guidance on some of these?


    For the Asian population on this board?

    For the slow population on this board? Oh wait...maybe the French?

    I mean, what the heck are these anyway???

    Respectful regards,


  • AuldSoul

    Oh, that's EASY !

    lets you make a Great Crowd of people, one united happified throng! Alternatively, can represent voodoo dolls because we don't discriminate.

    with this combination you can demonstrate the effect of a disfellowshipped person approaching and trying to talk to Witnesses in good standing (fleeing)

    "Take picture, it'll last longer."

    Home Movie warning.

    Call Disconnected (notice line is cut )

    This is bad artwork from MicroSoft, it is supposed to indicate people interacting.

    Hunger (obviously...the plate is empty)

    Asian hunger (see Hunger)

    The uses are manifold. I have seen it used with a series of periods preceding to signify slinking slowly away. The insult you got already.

    This is (I think) supposed to be coins. But, I could be way off on that. Could be balls of yarn. Or Ben-Wa balls...

    I am mostly just trying to bttt this topic for you in a humorous way.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    with this combination you can demonstrate the effect of a disfellowshipped person approaching and trying to talk to Witnesses in good standing (fleeing)

    LMAO This was great Auld!!!!!

    I always thought that this was a crystal ball, like Lady Lee's, turned on it's side. It wasn't til I saw it talking about dinner, did I realize, duh.

    ;(I think) supposed to be coins. But, I could be way off on that. Could be balls of yarn. Or Ben-Wa balls...

    This is the 2nd time that Ben-Wa-Balls have been mentioned here on JWD, in the last 12 hours. What is up with this?????

    This is one that I have never seen or used before. I kinda feel sorry for it. I think I will use it from now on.

  • vitty

    I like this one , it means your a tasty piece ! and this one meansget off the computer theres football on the telly ( sorry soccer )

  • trevor

    I have used the snail a number of times. The intention was to sign of my comments in a way that suggested I was still slowly learning. So I would end with -

    Getting their slowly.....................

  • Fleur
    with this combination you can demonstrate the effect of a disfellowshipped person approaching and trying to talk to Witnesses in good standing (fleeing)

    ROFLMAO! That's the best thing I've read all week. Thank you for the laugh!

    I offer my own little emoticon story here...

    Once upon a time there was a girl. She accepted an invitation to the local Kingdom Hall, where she was immediately love bombed by all present. .

    She liked this and so started to study. The local pioneers and told her that if she wanted to be one of God's Happy People (tm) that she could no longer eat on her b-day, get or give for the holidays, or and to excess. If she did that, she would show that she was from her father,.

    Eventually, gave up everything that made her . But she figured that was running out on this old system, and so she dreamed of life in where we wouldn't need or .

    One day, she realized though that the promised time if the end was really proceeding at a pace and she went on the and quickly realized that everything that she'd been taught was a great big lie. She got

    She had been such a and followed the shepherds everywhere, but all she got was a . She stopped studying.

    As time went on though, the longer she was away from the 'loving' she began to remember who was before. She got in touch with old friends, she got her life back, and now, she's again at last.

    The local elders wives and pioneers said, 'Oh well, really wasn't of our sort. () Just wait till Armageddon comes, she'll get hers.

    The end.


  • Billygoat

    Auld Soul, thank you for the BTT!

    lets you make a Great Crowd of people, one united happified throng! Alternatively, can represent voodoo dolls because we don't discriminate.

    with this combination you can demonstrate the effect of a disfellowshipped person approaching and trying to talk to Witnesses in good standing (fleeing)

    LMAO! You guys are too much. But you did exactly what I wanted to see done...the emoticons used in a funny way. I'm sure there's more...

  • vitty

    Fleur, that was brill

  • bem
    with this combination you can demonstrate the effect of a disfellowshipped person approaching and trying to talk to Witnesses in good standing (fleeing)

    ROFLMAO! That's the best thing I've read all week. Thank you for the laugh!

    Essie your story in emotes was great!

    I am not as clever as the rest were Andi, But I do wonder: is this one a blind person? and this one Cool? or versa/visa? and or neither of the above? I always think yarn balls and then kitties playing with said balls on this one . I know I've done way too much thinking on that one.


  • Es

    ROFLMAO that was great Fleur job well done


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