Thanksgiving is it..............................

by defd 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    I am completely dedicated to Jehovah, Yes. His Org, as long as it is doing what is right.

    I am on the computer only while I am at work. I have got a very cushiony Job which allows me to do what I want.

    And NO, i dont nad have not and will not count the time I am on here as time. I admit I came in here like thunder but I believe I have calmed down a bit. I try anyway.


  • wanderlustguy
    I didn't mean get out of this site. I mean don't be lukewarm. Don't sit on the fence. You're either in Jehovah's organization or you're out. No disrespect meant, I just don't understand where he sits.

    The process is different for each of us. You'll see people deal with this whole thing in vastly different ways, there's not really a "right way".

    So, defd...make that call yet? PS

    And NO, i dont nad have not and will not count the time I am on here as time. I admit I came in here like thunder but I believe I have calmed down a bit. I try anyway.

    No'd be a special pioneer with all the time you're on this site...

  • AlmostAtheist
    I am completely dedicated to Jehovah, Yes. His Org, as long as it is doing what is right

    You just described every Christian on this site, Derrick.

  • defd


    I have but they told me to call back after 12:00 they were out to lunch. I will call them!


  • wanderlustguy

    Yea, tell them you have about 500 people waiting to hear what they say...we want some turkey and dressing.

  • defd

    almostathiest I havent fogotten your Question. I will give you an answer. I just need to think it completely through ok?


  • searching4?

    It's funny, if you read my first post, it's subject is "not bitter", well I'm starting to find out I am. Sorry, defd, just brought back feelings of being shunned after reading some of your posts. I will now take the time to read them all before I make any more opinions of you

  • defd

    thats ok search, I have learned alot more than anyone knows about being a witness. I will pm you with my email if you want to discuss anything if I am not here.


  • searching4?


  • AlmostAtheist
    I will give you an answer. I just need to think it completely through ok?

    Thank you Derrick, and to be honest I really, really want to hear your answer. But I know you don't actually owe me one, and I am not trying to give the impression that I think you do. I am much more interested in getting you to personally consider the question.

    But if you'll answer it, then all the better!

    You need to give yourself a huge pat on the back for being willing to consider it at all.


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