Does Your Family Eat Dinner Together?

by Scully 43 Replies latest social family

  • Effervescent

    Because my business is online I am able to stay home with the kiddos and am very lucky to have the time to make nice dinners every night. (For the most part anyways). I wouldn't take a million bucks to give back the traditions we have that revolve around dinner time. The kids taking turns bringing the dishes into the dining room and setting the table. Taking turns talking about their day. I just love it! I really hope to keep up this habit until they're out of the house.

  • Crumpet

    JT we are synchronised meal and beer consumers - what is separating us?

  • Special K
    Special K

    Good article Scully.. and makes a lot of sense.

    Family of five here,.. and having supper together every evening is a must here at our house.

    No T.V.'s no radios/walkmans/mp3's..You ring the little dinner bell and everyone comes to the table.

    We all enjoy our supper time meal together with lots of laughter and sharing about what went on in our childrens day.... My husband and I focus on the kids during supper unless we have something upbuilding to discuss about our own day. We save our own heavy discussions for times other than supper.

    Our oldest trundled off to university this year and this is when we all miss him the most.. Supper time at the dining room table.

    One thing I did change this past year is that nobody can begin eating or dish out any food until I dish out mine first and I'm seated... Then everyone else may begin. The main cook (me) goes first...

    Again.. suppper time is the most looked forward time of our families day.

    Special K

    Special K

  • Thirdson


    We eat together as a family most nights. There are four of us now including the baby. Both Mrs Thirdson and I come from families that ate together. Only occasionally do we eat elsewhere and that is if I am late home and my son is out visiting. The family dinner together is the time we can share the events of the day or debate some current event. When we invite friends or have family staying, dinner is just an extension of what we do regularly.

    Dinner is never at a set time (it depends on my arrrival from work and who is cooking that night) but we most often sit together at the dinner table to eat the evening meal. It's the one time we can all be together and share in conversation around the best meal of the day.


  • prophecor

    I'm the only island. The wife and kids can usually sit down together to eat, that's provided the TV's on. In fact, if it's off, it's an unwritten rule that it goes on while they're eating. Often I'll do the cooking and I despise television. My folks can't seem to do without it. So I'll eat in the kitchen, with the radio on. Talk radio. I prefer to eat at the table, there are t.v. trays in the living room that are doubled for tables.

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I cook dinner for the family every night during the week and we sit down and eat together with no TV.

    On the weekends we may go out to a restaurant or hit the drive through.

    On the weekends we always eat breakfast together...its our family tradition. I always make whatever anyone wants....a big breakfast - waffles, chocolate chip or blueberry pancakes, french toast...whatever has been requested.

    But my kids are still it may change later in life when parents turn into something to be avoided!


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Yes we do, we take this time to talk to the kids ask about their day, share jokes, talk about goals we have as a family also we discuss the new things we learn in our newfound religious freedom, sometimes since we can see the TV from the dining room we might watch some interesting History channel special, and discuss that. We also like to watch The George Lopez show, among others.

    We try to do this as often as possible, it gives children a sense of structure and gives us a chance to see what's going on in their heads, that we might need to address.


  • mrsjones5

    My four kids and I eat dinner together. Hubby eats with us when he can get home in time.

  • GentlyFeral


    When you have a 18 year old who doesnt want to talk about what he done during the day and my husband who gets cross because he being unenthuiastic about his life, its not worth it.


    I hated asking him a bunch of questions just to get him to talk to me.

    Well, jeez, you don't have to give up if "How was school today?" falls flat. Thing is, school is as brain-deadening as a Kingdumb Hell meeting - I remember vividly my own inability to respond to this question as a kid.

    Try something else.

    • "What's the weirdest thing that happened to you today?"
    • "Anything good on the Internet?"
    • "You know what, last time you played [musical agent of the demon pop culture out to corrupt your children] I thought of [treasured musical icon of your golden youth]. Because..." Now name some features they have in common.
    • "Do you know anybody who's been to/Have you ever been to ..."

    You get the idea.

    Luna2 again:

    At least watching tv, we'd discuss what was on.
    • "Please tell me that wasn't [a cop car, a shark, poisoned, a McDonald's logo, Janet Jackson's nipple]."
    • "Did you see that? [a perfect triple axel, an ivory-billed woodpecker, George Bush apologizing, Janet Jackson's nipple]"
    gently feral
  • stillajwexelder

    We try -we really try

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