Progess Report: How WT's new money squeeze is being received by JW relatives

by Open mind 38 Replies latest members private

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    First off I need to put this progress report in context. My wife and I were 3rd-gen JWs and we faded a few years ago along with our unbaptized teen-age kids who are now young adults.

    It has been our experience, and I've read many similar reports here, that as soon as JW-loyal relatives even get a whiff of "questioning" they will circle the wagons, stop being as open and honest about internal JW scandals, and put on a good WT-loyal game face around the doubters.

    That being said, I am amazed and encouraged by the reactions I've heard from various still-in JW family re: the latest financial strong-arm tactics of the Watchtower.

    Exhibit A: My mother-in-law.

    She's 2nd Gen JW. Pioneered for many years while doing a bit of house cleaning on the side to make a few dollars. Her husband, my father-in-law, quit a VERY good job right before 1975 because Armageddon was coming and started doing janitorial work so that he didn't have to miss any meetings.

    Now she's in her 60s and has finally realized she will probably have to work until she dies, or close to it. She stopped pioneering about 15 years ago and got a government job with good retirement benefits, but will need to keep on plugging for at least 10-15 more years before she'll be able to finally call it quits.

    Through all this time she has mainly kept a pretty positive, upbeat attitude toward Jehovah's hand-picked Earthly Organization. Then along comes the March 29, 2014 pocket-picking letter from the GB. So we had my in-laws over for dinner a couple weeks ago and my wife gently asked her Mom what she thought about the new donation "adjustment".

    Man did the claws come out! My MIL was adamant that this new system is tantamount to TITHING.

    MIL: "How is this any different than the Mormons or Catholics?"

    OM's wife: "So Mom, how much did you decide to pledge each month?"

    MIL: "ZERO!"

    (My wife and I try contain our looks of shock and pleasure.)

    MIL: "That doesn't mean I'm not going to contribute anymore, but I feel very strongly about asking people to commit in advance to a monthly amount. I refuse to commit to even one cent!"

    Way to go Watchtower!

    I have a feeling that the amount my MIL actually does contribute will be going down as well.

    Exhibit B: Relative who is a former bethelite, long-time Elder, TOTAL "company man".

    He was talking with my aging JW mother and she was wondering how much money she should commit to give each month. I think she was thinking he would know what amount would look good enough to the JWs but not put her in a financial bind.

    His reply?

    Company man: "Five bucks."

    Mom: "Huh?"

    Company man: "Five bucks. They're asking for a COMMITTMENT. At your age you should not be committing anything you can't afford to follow through on. That doesn't mean you can't give more on any given month, but only tell them five bucks."

    When Mom told me about this conversation I was very pleasantly blown away that he would so quickly give such a low-ball number. And I'm also very glad to see he has enough concern for "widows and orphans" that he knows it's scripturally wrong to hit them up for even the "widow's mite".

    Exhibit C: My Mom.

    She's 2nd gen JW and hard-core. If you're not in full-time service, and aren't confined to an iron lung machine, you're probably not going to make it through Armageddon.

    So Mom asks me how much she should commit to give on a monthly basis. I reminded her of her station in life: Disabled, elderly, widow with no possibility of earning income if she doesn't carefully watch her pennies.

    Then I decide to push the envelope just a little bit. (I don't really want to awaken her to TTATT at her age. It would do more damage than good, IMO.) I tell her how upset my MIL was about the whole new "adjustment" and that she equates it to tithing.

    OM: "Hey Mom, do you remember the famous quote from C.T. Russell about asking for money?"

    Mom: "Yes, I think so."

    OM: "Do you remember what he said they'd do if they ever had to start begging for money?"

    Mom: "Yes. He said that would be time to stop publishing the Watchtower."

    OM: "That's right. Pretty serious food for thought if you ask me."

    And we left it at that.

    Anyway, I must say I'm pretty happy with the Watchtower's latest attempt at increasing cash flow. At least from the perspective of my long-time JW relatives. I hope they try to tighten the financial screws even more as time goes on.

    Anyone else hearing similar grumblings from still-in JW relatives?



  • Laika


    I asked my brother about this, told him I'd heard about a new donation arrangement. He said 'they just asked us to send any surplus cash we could spare to the Kingdom Hall fund'

    Liar! But then I lied about not knowing the details so we're even I guess...

    Still, that he found it necessary to lie said a lot I thought.

  • OneEyedJoe

    An elder in my congregation started buying all kinds of stuff (and hired a relative who's a photographer to take a congregation photo) with the congregations reserve cash so that they wouldn't have to send it all in.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    @ Laika: Interesting game of Spy vs. Spy between you and your brother.

    @ OneEyedJoe: That's pretty funny! Just curious, did the other elders know he was doing this?


  • OneEyedJoe

    I forget what the title is, but he's in charge of the committee for the upkeep of the entire (5 congregation) hall, so I think he has some leeway in what he can do unilaterally. I don't know if the other elders were consulted first, but he didn't try to hide it or anything, so I'm sure they're aware of it.

  • Oubliette

    Open Mind: My MIL was adamant that this new system is tantamount to TITHING.

    It is. Just because they don't call it that, doesn't mean it isn't.

    Thanks for sharing those experiences. Good for you: OM - 3, WTBTS - $5

  • besty

    great post OM - thanks for sharing!

  • jam

    The ex is calling in all loans from the children..Things

    are getting tough in the borg.LOL

  • LostGeneration

    Will those replies are encouraging, its only the beginning. They simply couldn't come out and say "Gimme 10% of your money every month". They probably will never do that.

    But what they needed was people to get into the 'habit' of putting in something every month. Expect more articles in the Awake about budgeting, including donations EACH MONTH.

    These guys haven't even scratched the surface compared to what the Mormons extract each month from their flock. Give em' a decade or two and you will be shocked at how much money they will be collecting every month.

  • jgnat

    Churches can only demand that sort of commitment if there is some sense of reciprocity. Like setting up an alms fund for the congregant going through a rough spot, feeding widows and orphans, a childrens ministry, a visitation ministry to seniors and the bedridden.

    But the WTS has always been miserly with that sort of thing. So naturally the congregation will be miserly back.

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