Awake openly mocked on website...

by Tuesday 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    This is actually not a former witness or anything, this is a cracked style article. I think it's pretty funny, I think it's evidence that the WT is not going to be around forever. Most of the groups that get openly mocked like this usually will bleed members and finally become a fringe group.

  • cedars

    Hilarious! All the more funny because it isn't an ex-Witness viewpoint - purely objective.

    I think I can safely say that whoever handed this guy magazines did a service to society (even if it wasn't "The Society").


  • cantleave
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Very funny! I often thought that at least 50% (probably closer to 90%) of the folks that would take the mags did so just to get rid of the person at the door and probably threw them away immediately. It really is rubbish isn't it?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Love it!

  • LostGeneration

    Studies in crap! That is awesome!

    If anyone has the image saved of the ethernet cable with the shadow of a snake please send it to the author!


    Good Morning Tuesday!..

    Funny stuff..

    Side note..

    Have you seen Scott Hall lately?..Jeezus what a train wreck..


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This is AWESOME!

    I agree with Tuesday. Open public humiliation is bad for the Borg. Remember how embarrassed you were at times to admit you were a JW? Think about how it would feel to be embarrassed ALL THE TIME to admit you're a JW.

    The world needs more articles like this one.

  • 00DAD

    Too funny!

    It really is ridiculous, isn't it!!!

  • sir82

    The best part is there's probably thousands of JW kids who will see that and cringe - or LOL - or both.

    Stuff like this is far more potent than "apostate" material because, well, it's not "apostate" - it's just an average dude exposing the utter cluelessness of the Watchtower World.

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