Star Trek - the Borg

by finally awake 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    It just occurred to me that we use the term "Borg" when talking about the organization. It's a cute play on words, but I wonder if the writers of Star Trek who came up with the idea of the Borg had some experience or connection with witnesses.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Don't know. It fits completely. There are references to 1984 and Brave New World but the borg from ST is the most apt. What a coincidence. If I recall, the Borg was the scariest villain on ST.

  • NeonMadman

    Actually, I think it was ex-JWs who co-opted the expression from Star Trek, then picked up on the fact that "Borg" makes a decent contraction of "Brooklyn Organization." Maybe in a few years we'll have to talk about the "Worg" instead?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I thought it was x JW's who noticed the similarities. I mentioned that nickname to my therapist and she thought it was spot on.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Ex mormons refer to the mormon organization as 'the morg' too.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I highly doubt any connection in the creation of Star Trek Borg. BORG is short for cyborg, a cybernetically enhanced being.

    It has been applied to Microsoft for it's similarity to the Star Trek Borg goal of assimilating all other software.

    It has been applied to people who cannot be without their cellphones, particularly those that wear bluetooth headsets and look like mechanically "enhanced" people.

    It has been applied to Home Depot as Big Orange, abbreviated BORG, as a mindless huge conglomerate controlled by the headquarters.

    But it fits Watchtower better than both Microsoft and Home Depot. The name itself has no connection to Microsoft and it doesn't quite fit Big ORanGe as well as it is an abbreviation for Brooklyn ORGanization. Plus, Watchtower fits the type better because it is loaded with members who do not think for themselves but are just following directions from "the hive."

    I believe it's also a Norweigan Beer and it's been applied to teenagers that think they are acting as rebeling individuals by being assimilated into the typical music genre of their era.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    the 1 thing that my therapist said that really alerted her was that the BORG, won't acknowledge your presence unless the hive tells him to. She compared that to disfellowshipping, the resulting shunning, and then re-acceptance in getting reinstated


    WBT$ Borg Space Station..

    JW Borg in the Field Service ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • AnnOMaly

    Actually, I think it was ex-JWs who co-opted the expression from Star Trek

    Here's a thread from 10 years(!) ago. Perhaps this is the earliest reference?

  • Heaven

    And we are all like Seven of Nine. Removed from the collective, but still linked in certain ways and always will be. And we will always carry the scars.

    Seven of Nine

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